Indira Gandhi Govt Dental College Recruitment for Various Posts
Application on the prescribed form can be procured from the office of Accounts Officer of this college against payment of Rs. S00/-(Rs. Five hundred only) in the shape of Bank Draft of J&K Bank Ltd. of any branch of the State payable at Jammu. which shall be pledged in the name of Principal Indira Gandhi Govt. Dental College, Jammu are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement of lecturers purely on Academic Arrangement basis for teaching purpose only in terms of SRO-384 of 2009 dated 14.12.2009 read with SRO-409 dated 19.09.2013 in Indira Gandhi Govt. Dental College, Jammu initially .u r at jk up date s. for a period of one (01) year extendable up to maximum of six years (subject to good performance as well as good work and conduct) or till these posts are filled up on regular basis as per J&K Dental Education (Dental College) Gazetted Recruitment Rules,1993. whichever is earlier in the following disciplines
Purchase of form : 27 Nov 2018 to 09 Dec 2018
Last date of submission of form : 15 Dec 2018
Conditions and Eligibility:
The applicant should have Masters Degree or equivalent in the concerned specialty recognized by the Dental Council of India
The candidate must have two years teaching experience in the concerned specialty as Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor from any DCI recognized Institute after Post-graduation.
In -service candidates shall not be eligible for the engagement to above mentioned posts.
The maximum age at the time of submission of application should not more than 63 years. All appointee shall be bound by the terms & conditions as envisaged vide above referred SRO’s and other instructions issued from time to time by the Government.
The appointment shall not entitle the appointee to any preferential claim for regular appointment under normal process of selection/ engagement.
The appointee shall be entitled to consolidated pay equal to the revised basic pay which corresponds to the minimum of the pre-revised scale for the said post as per SRO-193 dated 24.04.2018 + DA. The appointee shall also be entitled to HRA as applicable to the in-service candidates carrying the minimum of the pre-revised .u r at jk up date s.scale of the post subject to fulfillment of the conditions provide under the relevant rules in this regard. An appointee shall not be entitled to any other monetary benefits whatsoever.
The appointee under these rules shall have to execute an agreement with the Government on the prescribed format.
A passport size photograph should be pasted at the appropriate place in the application
The candidates are advised to enclose the attested true copies (two sets) of the following documents with their application form:-
- BDS/MDS degree or equivalent in the concerned specialty should be recognized by Dental Council of India & Internship completion certificate.
- Marks certificates of all professional examinations.
- Valid registration certificate issued by J&K State Dental council.
- Attempt certificate of all the BDS/MDS examinations issued by the University.
- Professional publications in a standard Medical/Dental Journal.
- Distinction/National Scholarship/Honors/Medals/Academic merit certificate.
- Date of birth certificate/Permanent Resident Certificate.
- Teaching experience as Registrar/Tutor/Demonstrator should of two years issued by the Competent Authority of the respective Dental College and the said college should also be recognized by the Dental Council of India.
The engagement shall be terminated by the appointing authority without prior notice, if the post of Lecturer shall be filled by the Government or any other appointing authority during period of engagement.
The eligible candidates shall have to appear before the selection committee for interview along with original certificates for which dates hall be notified separately.
No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for the interview.
S. No | Name of the Post | Discipline | No. of Posts |
1 | Lecturer | Periodontics | 01(One) |
2 | Lecturer | Oral Pathology | 01(One) |
3 | Lecturer | Conservative Dentistry | 01(One) |
4 | Lecturer | Orthodontics | 01(One) |
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