Thursday, 31 January 2019

JKSSB Cancellation of candidature for Jr Assistant & Teacher Posts

JKSSB Cancellation of candidature for Jr Assistant & Teacher Posts

Posts : Jr Assistant & Teacher

Cadres : Districts

District Cadre Doda, District Cadre Samba

Item No 336 (03 of 2014), Item No 154 (04 of 2015)

Click below for Complete Notifications..


Cancellation of candidature of candidates for the post of Jr Assistant, District Cadre Doda, Item No 336 (03 of 2014) and Teacher, District Cadre Samba, Item No 154 (04 of 2015)

JKSSB Selection list for Horticulture Technician, District Cadre

JKSSB Release of recommendation of candidate


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL Recruitment for 198 Posts



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Selection list for Horticulture Technician, District Cadre

JKSSB Selection list for Horticulture Technician, District Cadre

Post : Horticulture Technician

Cadre : District

District : Kulgam

Item No : 086 (01 of 2016)

Click below for Selection List….


Selection list of candidates for the post of Horticulture Technician, District Cadre Kulgam, Item No 086 (01 of 2016) 

JKSSB Release of recommendation of candidate




from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Release of recommendation of candidate

JKSSB Release of recommendation of candidate

Post : Senior ECG

Cadre : Divisional

Divisional Cadre : Kashmir

Item No : 250 (03 of 2016)

Click below for Complete Notification….


Release of recommendation of candidate for the post of Senior ECG, Divisional Cadre Kashmir, Item No 250 (03 of 2016)


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL Recruitment for 198 Posts

634 Education Deptt Posts Vacant, J&K



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 01 Feb 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 01 Feb 2019

Date : 01 Feb 2019


On 01 Feb 2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Today traffic movement disrupted on Jammu Srinagar NHW due to snowing /raining/shooting stones/landslides.

Tomorrow on 01.02.2019, subject to fair weather/road condition only standard vehicles shall be allowed


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 01 Feb 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL Recruitment for 198 Posts

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) JTO Recruitment 198 Posts

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) will recruit about 198 numbers of Graduate Engineers to the Post of JTO (Civil) & JTO (Electrical) under SRD for SC, ST & OBC from open market/external candidates through GATE SCORE-2019. Wide publicity in this regard was given through the indicative advertisement by all the Telecom Circles on 10-09-2018.

As such interested candidates shall have to appear in GATE-2019 and also need to get their candidature registered in BSNL for the post of JTO (Civil) & JTO (Electrical). BSNL shall not conduct any further examination or interview in this regard

Post Name : BSNL JTO Online Form 2019

Total Vacancy: 198

Scale of Pay:- JTO(Civil) & JTO(Electrical) will be appointed in the IDA pay scale Executive[E-1A] of Rs.16,400/- – Rs.40,500/- as per 2nd PRC with annual increment @ 3% of basic pay plus IDA, HRA, Perks, Medical Benefits, etc. admissible as per BSNL Company rules.


Nationality : Only Indian Nationals would be eligible to apply.

Educational Qualifications:

Applicant must possess the educational qualifications: BE/BTech. or equivalent in Civil Engineering for JTO(Civil) & in Electrical Engineering for JTO(Electrical) from a recognized Institution/University AND are required to appear in GATE exam 2019, opting one paper from selected two disciplines of GATE paper codes i.e. Electrical(EE) & Civil(CE) (details are available at

GATE Registration ID :

All the willing candidates must have a GATE Registration ID (13 digits) for applying for DR-JTO(Civil) & DRJTO(Electrical) online Registration. 4. Age:-

Candidate shall not be below 18 years and not exceed 30 years as on the last date of receipt of Online applications from the candidates. However, the age is relaxable as per the standing instructions of Government of India for the following categories:-

i. Upto five (5) years for SC/ST candidates

ii. Upto three (3) years for OBC candidates

iii. Upto fifteen (15) years for SC/ST-PWD candidates

iv. Upto thirteen(13) years for OBC-PWD candidates

v. Upto five (5) years for BSNL employees

vi. Ex-Servicemen will get the benefit of age relaxation as per Central Govt. Rules.

vii. For residents of J & K relaxation shall be in accordance with DoP & T’s notification No. 15012/7/1991-Estt.(D) dated 07-12-2007, pertaining to “Residents of State of Jammu & Kashmir (Relaxation of upper age limit for recruitment to Central Civil Services & Posts) Rules-1997″

PH candidates would have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The format of the same will be uploaded subsequently.

Mode of selection : The mode of selection is through GATE SCORE-2019 which has to be conducted by IIT Madras, Chennai in the month of February 2019.

Process of Selection :

First of all, the interested candidates must possess the educational qualification BE/BTech. or equivalent in Civil Engineering for JTO(Civil) & in Electrical Engineering for JTO(Electrical) from a recognized Institution/University AND are required to appear in GATE exam 2019, opting one paper from selected two disciplines of GATE paper codes i.e. Electrical(EE) & Civil(CE) (details are available at

Secondly, the interested candidates shall have to register themselves further with GATE Registration ID (13 digits) with GATE paper codes i.e. Electrical (EE) & Civil (CE) through

During the registration with BSNL, candidates shall have to choose a particular circle, where he/she would serve in case of appointment in BSNL.

Multiple Circle registration is not allowed, if same is found at any stage, his/her candidature will be rejected and shall be dealt in accordance with admissible BSNL rules.

Accordingly, on declaration of GATE-2019 result, the circle wise merit list will be prepared based on the GATE Score-2019 and available vacancy of the circle.

BSNL shall not conduct any further Examination/interview etc. for the selection of the candidates for the recruitment of Direct JTO (Civil) & JTO (Electrical) in BSNL.

The appearance of the name in BSNL’s merit-list does/will not confer any right on the candidate for employment. A final call/appointment letter will be issued to the candidate after completion of all other formalities.

BSNL reserves the right to change the number of vacancies of JTO (Civil) & JTO (Electrical) as per Company requirement.

Examination Fee

For OBC: Rs.1000/-
For SC/ ST: Rs.500/-

Pay Fee through online mode only (i.e. Internet Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card only).

Important Dates

Starting Date for Online Registration: 11 Feb 2019

Last Date for Online Registration: 12 March 2019

Online Form Available : From 11-02-2019

Click here for BSNL JTO Jobs Notification


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

634 Education Deptt Posts Vacant, J&K

634 education deptt posts vacant in Kupwara

The govern­ments education department has more than 600 posts lying vacant across Kupwara as authorities appear oblivious to badly affect­ed education services and plan­ning in the frontier district.

Among these vacant posi­tions are the crucial posts of five zone heads at the administrative level, besides 23 headmasters, 225 lecturers and 325 masters.

“Their absence takes a toll on the normal functioning of these offices and posts,”

an official of the education department admitted.

He said the five educa­tion zones of Vilgam, Treh­gam, Drugmulla, Rajwar and Mawer were left without “per­manent” zonal education offi­cers for several years.

Officials reveal the educa­tion zone of Vilgam was with­out Zonal Education Officer (ZEO) for a year now, .u r at j k up date s.Treh­gam for seven months, Drug­mulla for three years, RRjwar for one year and Mawer has none for the last five months.

“The absence of ZEOs is badly affecting the functioning  of these zones,” rued an official.

Residents say absence of offi­cers at key positions and lack of teachers despite availability of posts was stalling progress in the education sector of the district.

“For years now we .u r at j k up date s.are hear­ing that soon teachers will be deputed,” said a visibly con­cerned resident of remote Kralpora area of the border district.

The number of vacant posts and officers’ positions is likely to increase as over a dozen teachers were going to soon superannuating.

“The district is reeling under massive staff crunch of 634 posts that have not been filled till date,” officials said.

Teachers in the district are also questioning the education department’s apathy.

“I want to ask the authorities .u r at j k up date s.when the main thing is lacking how come the education sector progress,” a teacher said on con­dition of anonymity.

Chief education officer for Kupwara, Muhammad Shaft War acknowledged the district was faced with a staff crunch


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Central University of Kashmir Fresh Recruitment for Non Teaching Posts

Central University of Kashmir Fresh Recruitment for Non Teaching Posts


Notification No : 02 of 2019 (NT) Dated : 28 – 01 – 2019

Posts : Various

Total Posts : 12

Last Date : 28 Feb 2019

Those candidates w h o h a v e a lr e a d y a p p l i e d and declared eligible f o r t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p o s t s in r e s p on se t o t h e Em p l o y me n t N o t i fi c a ti o n N o . /s 08 of 2014 dated 08 – 08 – 2014, 15 of 2015 d ated 07 – 10 – 2015, 04 of 2016 dated 08 – 04 – 2016 , 12 of 2016 dated 28 – 12 – 2016 & 04 of 2017 dated 28 – 04 – 2017 need to a p p ly ag a i n as per the new eligibility criteria of the University along wi t h r e q u ir e d d o c u me n t s for fresh screening wi t h ou t a n y f ee . Further, the candidates who have applied for the posts of Internal Audit Officer, Private Secretary, Personal Assistant vide Employment Notification No. 06 of 2018 dated 04 – 10 – 2018 need not to apply again, however they may update their credentials without payment of fee

Method of Recruitment : Direct Recruitment

Posts Details Below

Click here for Complete Notification

Click here for Application Form


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Fresh ICDS Recruitment, Govt of Jammu & Kashmir

Fresh ICDS Recruitment, Govt of Jammu & Kashmir

Applications on prescribed format are invited from eligible female candidates of the district Kulgam for following contractual posts under “Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme” (MSK) as per below mentioned qualification and eligibility.

Eligibility Conditions for Selection as follows:

The applicant should be permanent resident of District Kulgam.

Should possess the requisite qualification as mentioned above form the recognized Institution for which she applies.

Should have maximum age limit of 35 years as on 01-01-2019.

Terms of the contractual appointment shall be for a period of two years from the date of appointment which may be extendable for another term of two years subject to performance of candidates and subject to approval of budget for such frame work by the Ministry of Women and Child Development Government of India.

Candidates shall have to fill separate forms for each post.

Incomplete application form in any respect shall be rejected without assigning any reason.

Application form received after cutoff date shall not be entertained in any case.

The candidate should posses original documents at the time of interview / document verification.

The date of interview shall be notified separately and no call letter will be issued separately.

Applications on prescribed format are invited from eligible female candidates of the district Kulgam for following contractual posts under "Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme" (MSK) as per below mentioned qualification and eligibility

Note: Application forms, eligibility conditions, terms and reference can be obtained from the office of District Programme Office ICDS Kulgam from date of issuance of the public notice.

Procedure for Selection:

Selection of the candidates shall be made on the basis of Merit as per score of the points assigned to qualification, experience and interview as per following manner.



The candidate upon their selection against a particular post shall have to execute an agreement with the department on the prescribed affidavit duly executed / sworn before the Judicial Magistrate to the effect that she shall have no claim / any right to permanent absorption / regularization in department at any stage.

Documents attached with the application form:

  1. Self attested Photostat copy of all required / relevant academic / technical qualification / DoB.
  2. Certificate of required experience.
  3. Certificate of proof of residence in the District.

Application form duly completed in all respects on the prescribed format should be submitted in the Office of District Programme Office, ICDS Kulgam during the working hours before the due date.

Last date for receipt of application form is (15) days from the date of publication of advertisement notice.


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 31 Jan 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 31 Jan 2019

Date : 31 Jan 2019


On 31.01.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

As per advisory issued by MeT deptt. there may be chances of snowfall/rain in J&K may lead to disruption on Jammu Srinagar NHW-44.

Therefore decision regarding the vehicular movement shall be taken tomorrow on 31.01.2019 after assessing the weather/road condition


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 31 Jan 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

ONGC Ltd Recruitment for 737 Posts

ONGC Ltd Recruitment for 737 Posts

Total Posts : 737

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) : Advt No: 01/2019 (R&P)

Registration Fee

For General/ OBC: Rs. 370/- (Fee: Rs. 299.20/- + Bank charges: Rs. 60/- + GST: Rs. 10.80/-)

For SC/ ST/ PwD/ Ex-servicemen: Nill

Payment Mode (Offline): Challan Form

Important Dates

Starting Date to Apply Online: 31-01-2019

Last Date to Apply Online: 20-02-2019 till 18:00 hrs

Last Date for Fee Payment: 22-02-2019

Tentative Date of CBT (Tentative): Last week of March 2019

Age Limit (as on 20-02-2019)

Level Category & Maximum/ Minimum Age
General OBC- Non Creamy
1 For A2 & A1 level posts
Maximum 30 years
Minimum 18 years
Maximum 33 years
Minimum 18 years
Maximum 35 years
Minimum 18 years
2 For W1 level posts Maximum 27 years
Minimum 18 years
Maximum 30 years
Minimum 18 years
Maximum 32 years
Minimum 18 years

Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Apply Online : Available from 31-01-2019

Click here for Complete Notification


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Militants lobbed grenade at DH Pora area Kulgam

Militants lobbed grenade at DH Pora area Kulgam

Three civilians injured.

Rushed to hospital.

Stated to be stable.

Police investigation is on

More News Awaited…..


Militants lobbed grenade at DH Pora area Kulgam, J&K Flash news, J&K Headlines, Breaking News , Top Headlines, Jammu Kashmir News, JK News, Jammu News, Kashmir News, Breaking News,Latest News


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKBOSE submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms Notification

JKBOSE submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms Notification

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned candidates and other stakeholders that the schedule for submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statement of Enrolments completed in all respects duly filled in on the prescribed formats of the following eligible candidates of the affiliated academic institutions of District Kargil for the Secondary School Examination Class (10th) Session, Bi-Annual, 2018-19, is given as under:-


The re-appear /Failure candidates of Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) Session Annual Regular 2018 of District Kargil who appeared in regular capacity in the last examination of (Class 10th) Session Annual Regular 2018

Note :  In case the last date/s for submission of fee/ forms is declared as holiday, the next working day shall be treated a last date.

Instructions and Guidelines for the Processing and Submission of the Permission cum Admission Forms/fee and related Statement of Enrolments:-

The Heads of the institutions are instructed to submit the Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statement of Enrolments completed in all respects & duly filled in the prescribed formats along with forwarding letters in triplicate in the respective BOSE offices through their authorized representatives/admission in-charge only. The letters must indicate the number of candidates (enrolled & appearing) subject wise and description of fee deposited in the Bank.

The Heads of the Institutions concerned shall also ensure that:

Particulars of only five candidates are filled on each side of the enrolment page.

Affix the latest digital coloured photograph of each candidate against his/her particulars on
the enrolment form duly signed and stamped as well as sent-up list which remains with the institutions for record and reference.

Cover the photographs with quality transparent adhesive tape on enrolment form to avoid chance of misuse and impersonation.

The fee, as prescribed above, shall be deposited by the Heads of the affiliated Academic institutions for the concerned candidates in the shape of”Bank slip” to be obtained from the concerned BOSE office, pledged to the Chairman, the J&K State Board of School Education and deposited in the designated Branches of Jammu & Kashmir Bank.

Particulars Date
Last Date with Fee of Rs. 760/-per candidate 05-02-2019
Preparation days for submission Form/Fee 06-02-2019
Late Fee for 1st count: Rs. 580/- Per candidate plus Actual Fee 07-02-2019 to15-02-2019
Preparation days for submission Form/Fee 16-02-2019



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

More District J&K Rehbar-e-Khel Posts Provisional Merit Lists

More District J&K Rehbar-e-Khel Posts Provisional Merit Lists

Post : Rehbar-e-Khel

District : Rajouri

Zone wise Provisional Merit List of Candidates for the position of Rehbar-e-Khel of District Rajouri seeking objections thereof

Ref : 1. Cabinet Decision No.196/12/2017 dt. 23.10.2107. 2. Govt Order No.141-Edu(YSS) of 2017 Dt.27.10.2017. 3. Govt. Order No.153-Edu(YSS)of 2017 Dt.06.12.2017. 4. DYSS/ETT/2343 Dt.19.06.2018, No.DG-YSS/Estt/9662-81 Dt. 23.01.2019 and. 5. No:- DCR/2018-19/PA/31953-54 Dt. 22.01.201

Whereas allotment of 202 positions of Rehbar-e Khel was accorded vide Govt. order No.153- Edu (YSS) of 2017; dated:-06.12.2017

whereas accordingly 202 zone wise positions of Rehbar-e-Khel were advertised in the leading news papers of Jammu & Kashmir Vide Advertisement Notice No. 1 of 2017 this office No. DYSSO/R7345, Dated 17.01.2018.

Whereas, 418 candidates applied against 202 zone wise Positions Whereas, 393 candidates appeared before the District Selection Committee

Click here for Complete List


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Tiger Army Pre Primary School Recruitment for Various Posts

Tiger Army Pre Primary School Kaluchak Recruitment 2019

Posts : Teaching and Non teaching Jobs

Posts Details Below

Principal (Female) : Graduate/Post Graduate with B.Ed/NTT. Min 3 yrs teaching experience preferably at Army Public School/ Army Pre Primary School. Min age-35 yrs. Candidates with experience of Principal will be preferred. Pay scale-Rs 19500/-

Teacher (Female) : Graduate/Post Graduate with B.Ed/NTT with minimum 50% marks. Basic computer knowledge, Good English speaking and writing skills are essential. Min age 25 yrs. Pay scale Rs 14560/-

Asst Teacher(Female) : Same as Teacher. Pay scale-Rs 10150/-

Activity & Craft Teacher (Female) : Graduate/Post Graduate ‘ with Diploma/Degree in fine art & craft- Basic knowledge of music and dance is desirable. Pay scale- Rs 13832/-

Accounts Clerks (Male/Female) : (Ex serviceman are preferred). Pay scale- Rs 13832/-

(a) For Ex- Serviceman Clerk trade with experience of handling accounts, (b) For Others- B Com/Accountancy with 50% marks.

Ayah (Female) : 8th to 10th. War widows and Veer Naries preferred. Pay scale-Rs 8736/-

Gardner(Male) : 8th to 10th. Pay scale-Rs 8008.

Karate Teacher(Male/Female) : 12th Pass. Pay scale- Rs 5824/- (Part time)


For Teacher, Asst Teacher, Activity Teacher, Ayah, Gardener  and Karate Teacher- Min one yr experience, may be relaxed for deserving candidates.

For Account Clerk- Min experience of 2 yrs required.


Good English speaking and writing skill.
Basic computer knowledge.

How to apply Tiger Army Pre Primary School Kaluchak Jammu

Application forms may be collected from Tiger Army Pre Primary School, Kaluchak. Filled application forms should be submitted between 01Feb 19 to 05 Feb 19 from 10 am to 1:00pm on working days duly supported by self attested copies of bio data , degrees and testimonials.

No application will be accepted after 05 Feb 2019. Envelope should be marked as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL/TEACHER/ASST TEACHER/ ACTIVITY TEACHER/ ACCOUNT CLERK/AYAH” and to be dropped in the application box only placed at school gate Incomplete application having no supporting documents will be rejected. Candidate will be required to produce original certificate for verification during written test or interview.

Dates for written test and interview : 09 Feb 2019 & 16 Feb 2019.

Address : Tiger Army Pre Primary School, Kaluchak Military Station Phone No.: 0191 -2484760


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Airports Authority of India Recruitment for 264 Posts

Airports Authority of India Recruitment for 264 Posts

Advt No 01/01/2019

Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 18-02-2019 by 18:00 hrs

Age Limit (as on 31-12-2018)

Minimum: 18 Years

Maximum: 24 Years

Age Relaxation is applicable to SC/ ST/ OBC Candidates as per rules

Posts Details Below :

Vacancy Details
Graduate Apprentice
Category/Trade Name Total Qualification
Mechanical Engineering (Auto) 06 Degree in Engineering or Technology (Mechanical/ Automobile
Public Relations 02 Graduation, with Degree/ PG Diploma in PR/ Journalism
Airport Terminal Mgt 03 10th Class/ 10+2 with 3 Years Diploma in Hotel Management or Graduation with Diploma (Relevant Disciplines)
Finance 25 B.Com with Computer Training Course
Law 01 Graduation with LLB
Communication Navigational Serveillance 03 Bachelor’s Degree in Engg/ Tech (Relevant Disciplines)
Information Technology 04 Bachelor’s Degree in Engg/ Tech (Relevant Disciplines) or MCA
Engineering Civil 35 Bachelor’s Degree in Engg/ Tech in Civi
Engineering Electrical 14 Bachelor’s Degree in Engg/ Tech in Electrical
Diploma Apprentice 91 Diploma in Engg/ Technology (Relevant Disciplines)
lTl Trade Apprentice 80 A Certificate in Vocational Course/ 10th Class

Click here for Complete Notification


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 30 Jan 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 30 Jan 2019

Date : 30 Jan 2019


On 30.01.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Today traffic movement disrupted on Jammu Srinagar NHW due to continuously shooting stones/landslides. Subject to fair weather/road condition tomorrow on 30.01.2019,

traffic movement on Jammu-Srinagar NHW from Srinagar towards Jammu shall be allowed


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 30 Jan 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Library Assistant Post Notice regarding submission of documents

JKSSB Library Assistant Post Notice regarding submission of documents

Post : Library Assistant

District Cadre : Samba

Item No : 091 (02 of 2017)

Click below for Complete Notification…


Notice to the candidate regarding submission of documents for getting withheld recommendation released for the post of Library Assistant, District Cadre Samba, Item No 091 (02 of 2017)


JKSSB Release of recommendation for Various Posts

JKSSB Cancellation of selection lists



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Release of recommendation for Various Posts

JKSSB Release of recommendation for Various Posts

Posts : Various

Click below for Complete Notification….

Release of recommendation of candidates for various categories of posts on 28-01-2019


JKSSB Cancellation of selection lists

Indian Army Recruitment 2019

GMC & Associated Hospitals Class IV waiting Lists



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Indian Army Recruitment 2019

Indian Army Recruitment 2019

Indian Army  53rd SSC (Men) & 24th SSC (Women)

Total Posts : 191

Important Dates

Staring Date to Apply Online: 23-01-2019 at 12:00 Hrs

Last Date to Apply Online: 21-02-2019 at 12:00 Hrs

Age Limit  :

For SSC (T)-53 Men & SSCW (T) 24 Women: 20 to 27 Years as on 01-10-2019. (Candidates should born b/w 02-10-1992 & 01-10-1999, both dates inclusive)

For wodows of Defence Personnel who died Harness Only:

SSCW (Non Technical-NOn UPSC) & SSCW (Tech): A maximum of 35 Years as on 07-10-2019

Qualification :

For SSC (Tech) (Men & Women) :

Candidates who have passed the requisite Engineering Degree course or are in the final yeat of Engineering Degree course

For Widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness:

SSCW (Non Tech) (Non UPSC) : Graduation in any Discipline

SSCW (Tech): BE/ B.Tech in Any Engineering Stream

Click here for Complete Notification

Registration | Login


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

GMC & Associated Hospitals Class IV waiting Lists

GMC & Associated Hospitals Class IV waiting Lists

Subject : Operating of Waiting List of 12 Class-IV candidates under SRO-202 of 2015 Dated: 30-06-2015

Reference :  Selection/ waiting lists notice No: AH / EST-III/ 2018/C4/11457-71

Whereas, this office issued appointment order in favour of 107 candidates for the post of Class-IV vide order No: 699-AH of 2018 Dated: 01 -12-2018 advertised vide notice No: 02-AHS of 2018 Dated: 07-02-2018;

Whereas, out of 107 candidates, 12 candidates failed to join this office within the stipulated time of 21 days;

Whereas, vide this office notice No. AH/EST-III/ 2018/C4/12211-21 Dated: 03-01-2019 the aforementioned candidates were provided one more opportunity to join within seven days;

Whereas, none of these candidates responded to this notice, which clearly indicates that they are not interested to join this institution;

Whereas, owing to non-availability of adequate Class-IV staff, the patient care services are getting affected and under these circumstances it has become imperative to operate the waiting list already notified vide No: AH/EST-lll/2018/C4/11457-71 Dated: 29-11-2018.

Whereas, this office issued cancellation of appointment in favour of 12 Class-IV candidates vide order No: 845 -AH of 2019 Dated: 24-01-2019 issued under endorsement No: AH/EST/lll/2018-19/C4/12765-76 Dated:24 -01-2019.

Consequent upon the above and on non-joining of 12 candidates and on the basis of academic merit obtained by the candidates in Basic qualification 10th (80% weightage on pro-rata basis) and 12th (20% weightage on pro-rata basis) and without conducting any interview or written examination as per provisions of Govt. Order No. 353 – HME of 2013 Dated: 19-05-2013 and J&K Reservation Rules and recommendations made by the Divisional Level .u r at j k up date s.Selection Committee constituted under Government Order No. 735-GAD of 2008 Dated: 30-05-2008, sanction is hereby accorded to the appointment of following 10 candidates from waiting list (as per merit) as “Class-IV” under SRO-202 Dated: 30-06-2015 in the revised pay level of SL1 14800-47100 (pre-revised 4440-7440+1300 GP):-


The above appointees are required to join in the office of Undersigned within 21 days positively from the date of issuance/publication of this order in local dailies, failing which it will be presumed that they are no longer interested in taking up of job and the offer shall stand withdrawn without any further notice.

The appointment is subject to verification of the Academic, Residence and Category Certificates, by the concerned educational boards/institutions/Tehsil offices with regard to authentication/recognition of the same by the competent authority.

The appointees are required to submit an affidavit in the prescribed format as Annexure-A, duly attested by 141Class Judicial Magistrate to the effect that in the event any certificate(s) of the appointee is proved to be fictitious/fake, the concerned appointee shall be responsible for the consequences and he/she shall be liable for termination from the services besides other punitive action under law and in case any adverse report about his/her .u r at jk up date s.character and antecedents is received from the J&K Police Department to whom a reference be made by this department, the appointee shall have no right to claim for appointment and his/her appointment as such shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab-initio.

The appointees are required to produce the following certificates/testimonials in original along with the self-attested copies in the office of Administrator, Associated Hospitals, Srinagar at the time of joining:

Date of Birth certificate.

10th Class Marks certificate.

12th class Marks certificate.

Permanent Resident certificate (PRC) issued by competent authority.

Category certificate, in case of reserved category candidates.

Character and Antecedents certificate from J&K Police Department. In case the character/ antecedents certificate is not available at the time of joining the appointee shall be allowed to join.

NOC from concerned District Industries Centre and Employment Exchange

Health/Medical Fitness certificate issued by competent authority.

Prescribed Affidavit duly attested by Ist Class Judicial Magistrate (as per Annexure-A).

The appointment shall be governed by the J&K Civil Services Regulations/Rules under SRO-202 of 2015 Dated: 30-06-2015 and J&K Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules of 1956 and other rules and regulations as are applicable to the State Government Employees and the Rules as may be framed by the Govt, from time to time.


The other terms and conditions shall remain same as envisaged in the notifications issued by this office from time to time in this regard.

This is in continuation to the notification No: AH/EST-lll/2018/C4/11457-71 Dated: 29-11-2018 that the selection in respect of the following candidates figuring in from the final waiting list is kept withheld till the verification/genuineness of their academic qualification certificates is obtained from the concerned Education Boards/Board of School Education as the case may be:- 03 Ishfaq Ahmad Bhat S/o Mohammad Yousuf Bhat R/o Chowalgam Kulgam under open merit category. 05 Showkat Ahmad Wani S/o Gh Mohammad Wani R/o Nishat, Srinagar under open merit category.

Click here for Complete List


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K Aids Prevention and Control Society (JKSACS) Rescheduled Interview for Various Posts

J&K Aids Prevention and Control Society (JKSACS) Rescheduled Interview for Various Posts

Posts : Administrative Officer and Computer Literate Steno (CLS)

J&K Aids Prevention and Control Society JKSACS rescheduled interview for the posts of Administrative Officer and Computer Literate Steno (CLS) for Jammu Division and Kashmir Division

In continuation to earlier interview notification, the interview of the candidates who have applied for the post of Administrative Officer and Computer Literate Steno (CLS) on contractual basis for a period of one year

in J&K State AIDS Control Society in response to this office Employment Notification No. 01 of 2018, dated: 16-10-2018, has now been rescheduled and shall be held as per the following schedule


Address : 1st Floor, SEERAT Complex, Sector-14, Nanak Nagar, Near Sector 5, Trikuta nagar, Jammu.


J&K AIDS Control Society Interview Schedule Below


S. No. Name of the Post Date/Time of Interview Venue
1 Administrative Offi­cer 05-02-2019 at 10:00 am 1st Floor Seerat Complex, Sector – 14, Nanak Nagar Jammu. Ph: 0191-2475427
2 Computer Literate Steno (CLS) 05-02-2019 at 11:00 am -do-
1 Administrative Offi­cer 07-02-2019 at 10:00 am 48-Samandar Bagh, Exchange Road, Srinagar. 0194-2486409
2 Computer Literate Steno (CLS) 07-02-2019 at 11:00 am -do-



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Monday, 28 January 2019

JKSSB Cancellation of selection lists

JKSSB Cancellation of selection lists

Post : Survey Cum Excavation Assistant

Item No : 204 (05 of 2015)

Click below for Complete Notification…

Cancellation of selection list of candidates for the post of Survey Cum Excavation Assistant, Item No 204 (05 of 2015)


JKSSB Release of recommendation for Wildlife Guard Post

BSF Constable Recruitment 2019, 1763 Posts



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 29 Jan 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 29 Jan 2019

Date : 29 Jan 2019


On 29.01.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Traffic movement on Jammu-Srinagar NHW on 29.01.19 from Srinagar towards Jammu both for LMVs/HMVs ;

Lmvs from Pantha Chowk, Peaks Chowk 1300 hrs to 1600 hrs, from Levdora 1430 hrs to 1730 hrs. Subject to fair weather/road condition


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 29 Jan 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Militants fired at a civilian in Tral, J&K

Militants fired at a civilian in Tral, J&K

Militants fired at a civilian in Tral.

Injured shifted to the hospital.

Police on spot.

Further details to follow




from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

BSF Constable Recruitment 2019, 1763 Posts

BSF Constable Recruitment 2019, Apply Now

Important Dates

Last Date for Receipt of Applications: within 30 Days

Last Date for Receipt of Applications for far flung areas: within 45 Days

Age Limit as on 01-08-2019

Minimum Age: 18 Years

Maximum Age: 23 Years

Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.


Candidates should possess Matriculation or equivalent with

Two years work experience in relevant trades
One yeat certificate course from Industrial Training Institute of Vocational Institute with at least one year experience in the trade
Two years Diploma from Industrial Training Institute in the trade or similar trade.

Posts Details Below

Vacancy Details
For Male Candidates
Post Name Total
CT Cobbler 32
CT Tailor 36
CT Carpenter 13
CT Cook 561
CT W/C 320
CT W/M 253
CT Barber 146
CT Sweeper 389
CT Waiter 09
CT Painter 01
CT Draughtsmen 01
For Female Candidates
CT Tailor 02

Click here for Complete Notification


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

One-way traffic on Jammu-Srinagar highway today : Highway Updates

One-way traffic on Jammu-Srinagar highway today

No vehicles will be allowed to move from Srinagar to Jammu, the traffic department official said. It was restored on Sunday after remaining shut due to landslides for six days

The Jammu-Srinagar highway was opened for one-way traffic from Jammu to Srinagar on Monday. First heavy vehicles will be allowed and later the light one, an official said.

In addition to over 3,000 trucks carrying essential supplies to the Kashmir Valley, scores of valley-bound passengers had remained stranded here

No vehicles will be allowed to move from Srinagar to Jammu, the traffic department official said. It was restored on Sunday after remaining shut due to landslides for six days.

Shortages of essential items like mutton, poultry products and vegetables hit the valley during the period the strategic highway remained closed.

The valley remains dependent for supplies of poultry products, mutton and vegetables on the route especially during the winter months

Source : Greater Kashmir


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Release of recommendation for Wildlife Guard Post

JKSSB Release of recommendation for  Wildlife Guard Post

Post : Wildlife Guard

Item No  : 160 (03 of 2012)

Click below for Complete Notification….


Release of recommendation of candidate for the post of Wildlife Guard, Item No 160 (03 of 2012) 


Fresh Recruitment in Various Govt Higher Sec Schools, J&K

J&K Legal Metrology Department Class IV Posts Recruitment



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Fresh Recruitment in Various Govt Higher Sec Schools, J&K

Fresh Recruitment in Various Govt Higher Sec Schools, J&K

Engagement of Post Graduate candidates on Academic Arrangement in Hr. Sec. Schools (Winter Zone) in District Rajouri on temporary basis for the session 2019

In pursuance to Government order issued from time to time & as per instructions conveyed by Worthy Director, School Eduction. Jammu and fresh applications are hereby invited from desirous post-graduate candidates in the different dsciplines for engagement as lecturers on Academic Arrangement to meet out the requirement on temporary basis for teaching 10+2 classes in Winter Zone (Koteranka) for the session 2019, subject to the .u r at jk  up date s.following conditions:-

That the candidate should be permanent resident of J&K State.

That the candidate has passed the post graduate Degree in the relevant subject from the recognized University without any pending result.

That the candidate fulfils the age requirement as on 01-01-2019.

That the candidate to be engaged shall furnish an affidavit duly attested by theist Class Magistrate to the effect that he/she well not claim for his/her permanent absorption/regularization on the basis of this arrangement.

That the candidate will be engaged on temporary basis of academic arrangement initially for a period of 59 days which can be extended subject to their requirement till the end of the academic session or the posts are filled up by the /PSC or by effecting transfers, whichever is earlier.

That the candidate well be allowed to join the school provided the post of lecturer in the relevant subject is vacant.

That the engagement made will automatically cease to exit of the filling of the post/end of the academic session whichever is earlier and no separate order is required to be issued thereof.

& Court Case candidates have to apply with fresh applications (Court order copy should be attached).

That the applicants will submit their applications on prescribed format (Annexure-A) along with Following certificates self attested to this office (between 10 Am to 4 PM) within 07 days from the date of publication of this notice in leading Dailies

1 Qualification Certificates.

a) Copy of P.G.Certificates (All Semesters)

b) Copy of Graduation Certificate(Final Year Only)

c) Copy of 12th cass Certificate.

Date of Birth Certificate.

Permanent residences Certificate.

Passport Size Photograph

Phone No.(landline or Mobile)

Teaching experience at 10+2 level/last year result %age with performance/remarks of concerned Head of the Institution dearly indicating , No. of student appeared, of students passed and percentage with year. The Candidates already engaged and hence shown less than 40% result in their respective subject will not be considered.

The Candidates engaged will be paid honorarium of Rs. 14500/- per month as per standing order.

The selection of the candidates shall be made strictly on the basis of their Academic Merits and preference will be given to local candidates of District Rajouri. Experience/Result percentage of previous years well also be given due Weightage as per performance/remarld. The selected candidates would have to join within two days .u r at jk  up date s.failing which his/her engagement will be treated as cancelled and immediately next candidate in merit will be engaged to meet out the requirement.

Merit :

Academic merit              85 marks

Previous experience     15 marks (05 marks per year( if result percentage is above 40%) Max 15

(The experience certificate issued by the Private Instt. shall not be entertained).

Click here for Application Form


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K Legal Metrology Department Class IV Posts Recruitment

J&K Legal Metrology Department JKLM Interview Notification for the post of Class-IV

It is notified for the Information of all concerned that Interview of candidates, shown at Annexure”A” and Annexure”B” of this notice, who have been provisionally shortlisted for Interview vide LM/C-Esstt./03/2013 dated 26-06-2018 and LM/C-Estt/103/2018 Dated 16-10- 2018, for the post of Class-IV Jammu Division, against Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2017 dated 08-12-2017 and Class-IV -(State Cadre) under RBA advertised vide Adv. Notice No.:- 01 of 2018 Dated 12-07-2018 respectively, shall be conducted on 12th of February 2019 (Tuesday) at 11:00 AM, in office chambers of Controller, Legal Metrology Department, J&K, Transport Nagar, Narwal, Jammu.

The candidates are advised to bring Xerox copy of each certificate self attested by the candidate himself on the scheduled date and time of interview In addition to original documentsfailing which no claim /objection in this regard shall be entertained.

The candidate(s) who fail to appear in the interview on the scheduled date and time shall not be considered for further selection.

The candidates have been included in the interview list provisionally and only such candidates shall be allowed to appear in the interview who are within age, possess valid prescribed qualification and valid category certificates issued before cut-off date.

The additional qualifications/reserved category certificate acquired by the candidate after the cutoff date of application forms shall not be entertained.

Mere figuring of name in the list does not entitle a candidate to appear in the interview as it shall be subject to the scrutiny of all testimonials of the candidates shortlisted.

No further interview call/letter shall be issued to any candidate whose names figure in the said list and they are required to appear before the interview committee on the schedule date & time.

The candidates shall have to produce all original certificates / testimonials as asked for vide above referred advertisement notification before the selection committee at the time of interview. The candidates who fail to produce such certificates/testimonials shall be deemed to have forfeited their claim for selection.

Any candidate found guilty of impersonating or submitting fabricated / tampered documents /testimonials or making false or incorrect statements or suppressing material information shall be liable for criminal prosecution under law and may be debarred permanently for appointment in the Department. Also canvassing/lobbying in any form will entail disqualification of the candidate.

Mobile Phone(s) are not allowed in the office premises.


Interview of candidates shortlisted vide No. LM/C-EssttV03/2013 dated 26-06-2018, for the post of Class-IV Jammu Division against Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2017 dated 08-12-2017.

Date of Interview : 12 Feb 2019-(Tuesday), Time     11:00 AM.

Venue   : Controller, Legal Metrology Department, J&K, Transport Nagar, Narwal, Jammu.

Contact  : 0191-2479295

S. No. Interview S. No. Appl. Form No. Name & Parentage of the candidate
Open Category
RB \ Category
ST Category


Interview of candidates provisionally shortlisted videLM/C-Estt/103/2018 Dated 16-10- 2018, for One post of CLASS-IV under RBA category-(State Cadre) in the Department of Legal Metrology, Govt, of J&K against Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2018 Dated 12-07-2018.

Date of Interview 12 Feb 2019 – (Tuesday), Time     11:00 AM.

Venue   :  Controller, Legal Metrology Department, J&K,

Transport Nagar, Narwal, Jammu.  Contact  0191-2479295

S.No. App. Form No. NAME and PARENTAGE Address DOB Cat.



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Sunday, 27 January 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates for 28 Jan 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates for 28 Jan 2019

Date : 28 Jan 2019


On 28.01.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Jammu Srinagar NHW reopened today after remaining closed for 6 days due to rain, shooting stones/landslides/snow accumulation.

Tomorrow on 28.01.2019, subject to fair weather/clearance of road only stranded vehicles shall be allowed towards Srinagar


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates for 28 Jan 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Public School English Medium Recruitment for Various Posts

Public School English Medium Bijbehara Recruitment for Various Posts

Applications are invited from competent and capable aspirants for filling up following posts

Posts : Various

Last date : 14 Feb 2019

Please Note:-

Aspirants must have willingness to learn and work hard with excellent communication skills, vision and creativity.

Detailed resume along with Xerox of all qualifications/experience certificates and handwritten application with coloured latest photograph should reach office of U/s by or before 14-02-2019 during office hours.

Candidates found suitable after scrutiny of documents shall be called for interview telephonically.

For further details contact office of the U/s during office hours

Posts Details Below

S. No. Post Subjects Qualification
1. Lecturers Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botony P.G. in the concerned subject
2. Teachers General Line B.A/B.Sc./M.A/M.Sc. with B.Ed/M.Ed
3.      Subject Teachers Urdu, Kashmiri, Geography B.A/M.A with B.Ed.
4. Teacher Physical Education BPEd/MPEd
5. Teacher Computer/I.T. BCA/MCA/B.Sc.IT/ M.Sc.IT

Ph. No. :  9419027068

e-mail :


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

NTA reschedules CMAT exam for Kashmir Valley based aspirants

NTA reschedules CMAT exam for Kashmir Valley based aspirants

Due to the closing of the Srinagar-Jammu Highway on account of snowfall and landslides, the Common Management Admission Test, 2019 (CMAT-2019) is rescheduled to 29.01.2019 (09:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.)only for affected candidates belonging to Srinagar

(187 candidates of Srinagar region who were allotted Examination Centre in Jammu), on the request of the local Administration of Srinagar.

These Candidates will now have their Examination Centres in Srinagar on 29.01.2019 (09:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.).

The Centre details in Srinagar will be informed by 27.01.2019 through Email/SMS.

The Candidates are advised to remain in constant touch with the NTA CMAT Website ( and check their Email/SMS, for further updates in the matter.

For other Candidates there is no change in the Examination schedule.


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JK RMSA Provisional Selection Lists for Various Posts

JK RMSA Provisional Selection Lists for Various Posts

Provisional Selection list of the candidate for the post of Programmers and Assistant Programmers in the Noor Society (State Implementing Society for RMSA (Now Samagra Shiksha, MK)

In pursuance of provisional selection notification No. Edu/SPD/SS/Sec/Adm/9418-43/18 Dated: 20/12/2018 and in continuation to this office notification No. Edu/SPD/SS/Sec/Admn/10006-31/19 dated: 10/1/2019, .u r at jk up date s.the following candidates were falling in the waiting list, are hereby provisionally selected of the post of Programmers and Assistant Programmers on contractual basis initially for a period of one year on the terms and conditions mentioned in the Advertisement Notification

The candidates shall have to submit an aMdavit duly attested by 1st Class Magistrate which can be downloaded from the official website i.e.

The candidates shall join within 7 days from the date of publication of provisional selection list, at the Directorate of Samagra Shiksha, opposite Gurdwara N H Byepass Road, Channi Rama, Jammu after collecting the .u r at jk up date s.engagement letters.The candidates should bring along with them the admit card of written examination issued by RMSA along with identity proof i.e. Aadhar Card/PAN Card/Election Card etc.

The candidates must bring along with them their original testimonials and their Xerox copies at the time of joining for their verification as per aforesaid notification.

Directorate of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan

(Now Subsumed into Samagra Shiksha — Integrated Scheme for School Education)
Opposite: Gurdwara, NH Byepass Road, Channi Rama Jammu
Baghat-i-Barzulla, Behind B&J Hospital, Srinagar

Click here for Complete Lists


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

CSIR Indian Institute Of Integrative Medicine Recruitment

CSIR Indian Institute Of Integrative Medicine Recruitment

Eligible & interested candidates are invited for WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for the following purely temporary position of COORDINATOR in the DST funded Technology Business Incubator (TBI) at CSIR-IIIM, JAMMU

Post Name : Coordinator : 01 (ONE) Post

Qualification  : M.Sc. or B.E./B.Tech. ii)    Atleast 5 years of proven experience in Business Development/ Networking/ Industry Outreach/ Entrepreneurship development. Product Marketing, Developing relationships with Industries/ Universities/ Government Bodies, experience in conducting training programmes.

Salary : Rs.75,000/- PM (Consolidated)


Tenure of the Position: Upto the tenure of the Project.


Age relaxation for SCs/STs/OBCs/PWDs candidates as per GOI/CSIR Instructions

Age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from their Husbands, who are not remarried, as per GOI/CSIR provisions.

Age relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years is also applicable for persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of J&K during the period of 01.1980 to 31.12.1989 subject to production of DOMICILE CERTIFICATE from the concerned District Magistrate in the J&K within whose jurisdiction he/she had ordinarily .u r at jk up date s.been resided or from any other authority designated in this behalf by the Govt. of J&K to the effect that he/she had ordinarily been domiciled in the J&K during the period of 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.

Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/J&K Domicile etc. should bring copies of certificates in the proper format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued on the subject.

Eligible candidates can attend the Walk-in-Interview along with complete bio-data in the prescribed application form (to be downloaded from the CSIR-IIIM Website attached with the advertisement) duly filled-up .u r at jk up date s.and signed and enclosing therewith self attested photocopies of certificates/testimonials in support of Date of birth, Educational Qualification, Experience, Caste, Domicile Certificate etc. and one latest passport size photograph duly affixed at the appropriate place in the application form. Tentative Mark sheets/Certificates and ‘RESULT AWAITED’ will not be considered.

Candidates must also bring original certificates/testimonials along with them, for counter verification of the enclosed photocopies with the submitted application form.

Eligible candidates are requested to be present at the venue on the said date ONE HOUR BEFORE the scheduled time of interview [i.e. Candidates are supposed to arrive at the venue of interview ON OR BEFORE 11.30 A.M.] for necessary verification of documents. Candidates will not be entertained after 12.30 P.M. under any circumstance.

Mode of Selection: Through Interview. However, if large number of candidates turn up, a Screening test comprising of Multiple Choice Objective Questions (MCQs) will be held for short listing the candidates for interview. The short listed candidates will be interviewed by the Selection Committee and, based on the performance in .u r at jk up date s.the interview; a panel of recommended candidates will be formed. Candidates have the option to interact in Hindi/English before the committee. In case turning up of large number of candidates, interview may continue for next day.

The position is purely temporary on contract basis and co-terminus with the DST sponsored project.

In case the final certificates reflect CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades etc., in that case the candidate should convert the same into equivalent percentage as per the approved formula of the university in the application and a copy of such conversion formula must be attached along with the application.

To avoid any inconvenience, only those candidates who strictly fulfill the eligibility criteria and possess the degrees/mark sheets in the aforesaid subject should turn up for Walk-in­

Application Form can be downloaded from CSIR-IIIM

website: and submitted duly filled in on the day of interview between 11.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.

13.02.2019 (Wednesday) 12.30 P.M Board Room, CSIR-nIM, Canal Road, Jammu-180001 (J&K)


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Stone Pelters Target School Bus in Kashmir

Stone Pelters Target School Bus in Kashmir

Area : Kashmir

Windows Broken

The Attack on a School Bus in the Valley has Shocked the Public.

Pelters Pelted stones at a School bus.

The Incident has been widely condemned across the Valley, including by the Govt.


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 27 Jan 2019

Army Public School Recruitment 2019


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Army Public School Recruitment 2019

Army Public School Recruitment 2019

APS Kaluchak Invites application for Accountant and LDC Posts

Posts Details Below



a) Graduate, preferably commerce graduate or Fifteen years service as a clerk in the Defence Services,

(b) Minimum 5 years exp should be as an Account clerk in the Defence services/ Reputed organization,

(c) Basic computer application course of Army/Diploma in Computer applications of not less than one year duration (speed 8000 key depression per hour),

(d) Knowledge of double entry system of accounting and accounting software.



Graduate or ten years of service as clerk (for Ex-Servicemen) Computer Literate. Typing with a minimum speed of 40 WPM. Knowledge of Computer MS Office (Speed 8000 key and excel depression per hour) Basic knowledge of accounting.

Note :

Application forms are available in the School Web site

Last date of submission of form : 05 Feb 2019 from 0900h to 1130 h in APS Kaluchak.

How to apply

Application form duly filled will be submitted alongwith photocopy of all documents and Bank draft Rs. 100/- in favour of Army Public School, Kaluchak from any Nationalized Bank by hand.


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 27 Jan 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 27 Jan 2019

Date : 27 Jan 2019


On 27.01.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Traffic movement disrupted continuously for 6th day due to frequently shooting stones/landslides occurred in Ramban- Banihal stretch on Jammu Srinagar NHW.

Therefore tomorrow on 27.01.19 only stranded vehicles shall be allowed after assessing weather/clearance road


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 27 Jan 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Required Data Entry Operators for JKUpdates

Required Data Entry Operators for JKUpdates

Job : Data Entry Operator (DEO)

Qualification : 12th to Graduation

He/ She Must have Knowledge of Computer and Internet.

Basic Knowledge of Photoshop or Corel is Required

Salary : 5,000 to 8,000 PM

Candidate of Jammu will be Preferred.

Fill the Below Form to Apply :



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKMSCL Interview Notice for Non Gazetted Cadre

JKMSCL Interview Notice for Non Gazetted Cadre


The interviews of the candidates who have applied for engagement of non-gazetted cadre as per advertisement notification No. JKMSCL/Adm/42/2018/11-12 dated 04-08-2018 issued by J&K Medical Supplies Corporation Ltd.

The interview of the candidates belonging to Jammu Division shall be held on 1st February 2019 and the candidates belonging to Kashmir Division shall be held on 2nd February, 2019 at 12 PM onwards at Corporate Office near Govt Medical College, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu.

Jammu Interviews : 1st February 2019

Kashmir Interviews : 2nd February, 2019

Whereas, the candidates who could not submit their requisite documents in JKMSCL, shall provide the same at the time of their interview and if they fail to submit the same they will be debarred from appearing in the interview.


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKPDD Appointment of candidates for Junior Assistants Posts

J&K Power Development Department JKPDD, JKPDD Appointment of candidates for Junior Assistants Posts

Cadres : Various

Appointment of candidates as Junior Assistants in the Power Development Department. cadre Jammu, Divisional cadre Jammu, Divisional cadre Kashmir and district cadre Budgam vide order No. 162-DCP of 2018 dated. 11.10.2018 and No. 163-DCP of 2018 dated. 11.10.2018 wherein you were asked to join before Chief Engineer, M&RE Wing Jammu/Kashmir & Chief Engineer, S&O Wing Kmr. within a period of 21 days;

Whereas among others you were appointed Junior Assistants in District

1. Vikrant Sharma S/O Gopal Dass R/O Garar Akhnoor Jammu.
2. Sudesha Devi D/O Shash Pal Singh R/O Haddal Bhawarwah Doda.
3. Gohir Ali Shah S/O Sadiq Hussain Shah R/O Mandi Poonch.

4. Yawar Riyaz S/O Riyaz Ahmad Wani R/O Srinagar.
5. Gulzar Ahmad Sheikh S/O Ali Mohd R/O Hanjik Budgam.
6. Ajay Kumar S/O Banarsi Das R/O Smailpur Nagbani Jammu.

Whereas the said order was published in 2 local dailies of Kashmir and Jammu respectively through Director Information Jammu & Kashmir;

Whereas the Chief Engineer S&O Wing Kashmir vide No. CE/S&O/8550-51 dated. 06.11.2018, No. Chief Engineer, M&RE Wing Kashmir vide No. CE/M&RE/34782 dated. 30.11.2018 and Chief Engineer, M&RE Wing Jammu vide No. CEJ/ADM/18/2018/4430 dated. 11.01.2019 have intimated that despite lapse of considerable period you have failed to join in his office.

Now, therefore, you are informed through this notification to join at your place of postings within a period of 10 days from the date of issuance of this letter, in case you failed to join your appointment shall be deemed to have been cancelled / withdrawn ab-initio without any further notice.


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Jammu University postponed exams scheduled on 28 Jan 2019 and 29 Jan 2019

Jammu University postponed exams scheduled on 28 Jan 2019 and 29 Jan 2019

Exam was on : 28 Jan 2019 and 29 Jan 2019

University : Jammu University

It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that all the examinations of the University of Jammu scheduled to be held on 28-01-2019 and 29-01-2019 in the morning as well as evening sessions stand postponed


Reliance Jio announced two new long term plans

JKBOSE Class 11th Date Sheet Jammu Province


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

2 Militants killed in Srinagar

2 Militants killed in Khonmoh Srinagar

2 Militants killed in  Jammu And Kashmir’s Khonmoh in an encounter with security forces

Area : Khonmoh, Srinagar

Militants Killed : 02


JKSSB More Release of recommendation for Various Posts

JKBOSE Class 11th Date Sheet Jammu Province


J&K Flash news, J&K Headlines, Breaking News , Top Headlines, Jammu Kashmir News, JK News, Jammu News, Kashmir News, Breaking News,Latest News


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB More Release of recommendation for Various Posts

JKSSB More Release of recommendation for Various Posts

Posts : Various

Click below for Notification….

Release of recommendation of candidates for various categories of posts on 25-01-2019 

Release of recommendation of candidates for various categories of posts on 24-01-2019-(3)

Release of recommendation of candidates for various categories of posts on 24-01-2019-(2)


JKBOSE Class 11th Date Sheet Jammu Province


JKSSB Release of recommendation for Various Posts, JKSSB Notification, JKSSB, Recruitment, JKSSB Jobs,ssbjk,,JKSSBPOSTS, various J&K Govt departments, Various Posts, Various Selection Lists, JKSSB Selection Lists, J&K Govt Jobs,Jobs in Jammu, Jobs in Kashmir, J&K Jobs, JK Jobs, JKUpdate



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKBOSE Class 11th Date Sheet Jammu Province

JKBOSE Class 11th Date Sheet Jammu Province

Class : 11th

Province : Jammu

Summer Zone

Annual Session 2019  (Regular/ Fresh Private) Candidates

Jammu and Kashmir Board School Education JKBOSE Date Sheet For Class 11th Annual Session 2019  (Regular/ Fresh Private) Candidates  Jammu Province (Summer Zone).

Click for Complete Date Sheet, JKBOSE, JKBOSE Results, JKBOSE Exams, JKBOSE Notifications,J&K School Board, JK Board, JKBoard, JK Bord, JKBOSE Date Sheet, Class 10, Class 11th, Class 12th Date Sheet, JKBOSE Notification, JKBOSE Updates , JKBOSE Date Sheet


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Friday, 25 January 2019

Reliance Jio announced two new long term plans

Reliance Jio announced two new long term plans

Plan Price : Rs 297 and Rs 594

Validity : six months

Reliance Jio Thursday announced two new long term plans of Rs 297 and Rs 594, with validity up to six months, for JioPhone users.

Both the plans will offer free voice calls, a total of 300 SMS, 0.5 GB data per day. Post exhaustion of daily limit, the speed will be reduced to 64 Kbps. The plan also offers free access to apps like My Jio, Jio Money Jio TV, Jio Music, and more

The benefits are same as that of existing Rs 99 plan for Jio users which is valid for only 28 days




from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates for 26 Jan 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates for 26 Jan 2019

Date : 26 Jan 2019


On 26.01.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Traffic movement disrupted continuously for 5th day due to frequently shooting stones/landslides occurred in Ramban- Banihal stretch on Jammu Srinagar NHW.

Therefore tomorrow on 26.01.19 only stranded vehicles shall be allowed after assessing weather/clearance road


National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates



Provisional Selection list of candidates for”End to End Computerization under TPDS” Operation purely on need basis

In pursuance to Govt. Order No. 92-FCS&CA of 2017 dated 24042017 and in compliance to letter No. DFCS&CA/P19/1612-26 dated 09-06-2018 and thereafter vide this office No. DFCS&CA/AND/18/354- 56 dated 23-06-2018, applications for hiring of Manpower for”End to End Computerization of TPDS “operation purely on .u r at jk up date s.need basis for a period of (3) three months were invited from the eligible candidates of district Srinagar.

Whereas, this office received (92) application forms from the aspirants of district Srinagar, out of which (45) candidates were shortlisted in the ratio of 1:5 in order to provide opportunity to the maximum candidates as per the following weightage to their respective academic qualification.

10+2                                                                                 =       60 points

1 year diploma/Degree in Computer Applications =         20 points

Viva Voice                                                                          =      20 points

Whereas, this office prepared a merit list and accordingly the same was published in the leading News Papers of Kashmir Valley for objection if any from 29-12-2018 to 05-01-2019 vide notification No. FCS&CA/ADN/18/2966-68 dated 26-12-2018 .

Whereas, this office did not receive any objection in the shape of application as well as in person during the period viz 29-12-2019 to 05-01-2019.

Whereas ,the selection list has been framed/prepared on the basis of the academic merit as well as the performance in the interview and as such , sanction is hereby accorded for provisional list of the candidates for “End to End Computerization of TPDS” operation purely on need basis for a period of (3) Three months as shown in the Annexure-A of this notification.

The selected candidates shall report to the office of the undersigned located at “Hotel Lotus Munwarabad, Srinagar, Kashmir, within (7) days from the date of issuance of this notification and after expiry of.u r at jk up date s. the stipulated time, the selection of the candidates shall be treated as cancelled henceforth and the candidates from the waiting list shall be considered accordingly.

The selected candidates have to deposit original documents of their academic as well as technical qualification besides the selectees have to deposit an undertaking in the shape of affidavit duly attested .u r at jk up date s. by the 1″ class Magistrate stating therein that they shall not claim for regularization/ extension and shall not file the case in court of law for any claim etc and also furnish Character certificate issued by the concerned Police Station.

Any candidate found guilty, impersonating of submitting fabricated documents or making false or incorrect information rendered by him or her is liable for criminal prosecution under law.

Annexure -“A” to letter No. FCS&CA/ADN/19/ 40-44 dated 22-01-2019


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

SVADHYAYA IAS Coaching Institute in Jammu, J&K

SVADHYAYA IAS Institute for the Nation Makers

Get Your Dream Job

Batch Starting Soon

✔ Exam oriented classroom coaching
✔ Quality Study Material
✔ Expert Faculty

Address : Near SP Smart School,

Adjoining Cyber Hut Lane, Kachi Chawni

Contact : 8297000047



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

More Districts Rehber-i-Khel Merit Lists Zone Wise

More Districts Rehber-i-Khel Merit Lists Zone Wise

Post : Rehber-i-Khel Posts

Merit list of candidates for the post of Rehber-i-Khel in respect of remaining 03 Zones of District Anantnag Calling of objections thereof

Ref : Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2017 dated; 29.12.2017

On successful completion of the interview and abiding by other requisite criteria of all the eligible candidates, and as approved by District Selection Committee, Anantnag constituted vide Govt. Order No. 153 Edu (YSS) of 2017 dated; 06.12.2017, the provisional merit list for Rehber-i-Khel positions of remaining 03 zones of District Anantnag is annexed herewith as Annexure-A for the information of all concerned.

Further it is hereby informed to all the concerned to file objections if any, in person in the office of undersigned within 07 days from the date of publication of this notification, thereafter no objections shall be entertained after the expiry of 07 days and the recommendations shall be made to the Competent Authority for their engagement.

The list is purely provisional and subject to the outcome of objections, if any

Click here for Complete Merit List


JKSSB Forest Guard Post Documents Submission Notice

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 25 Jan 2019


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K ICDS Fresh Recruitment for District & State Cadre Posts

J&K ICDS Fresh Recruitment for District & State Cadre Posts

Total Posts : 46

Posts : State Programme Coordinator,  State Programme Assistant, District Programme Coordinator, District Programme Assistant

Last date for receipt of Application forms : 11 Feb 2019 till 4: 30 PM

Applications on prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates of J&K State, for following posts on contractual basis for centrally sponsored scheme Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana (PMMVY)as per below given qualifications and eligibility.

How to apply :

Applicant are advised to submit the hard copies of forms on the below mention address.

Deputy Direct, ICDS Jammu, Haj House 2nd Floor, Rail head Complex Jammu, (for applicants of Jammu Division)

& Deputy Direct, ICDS, Kashmir, 2″” Floor, Block C Old Secretariat, Srinagar, (for applicants of Kashmir Division)

District Level Posts District Programme Officer, ICDS Projects of the concerned District.

For any Enquiry and clarification contact:

Posts Details Below

Post Total Posts Level Salary
State Programme Coordinator 01 State Rs. 45,000/per month.
State Programme Assistant 01 State Rs. 25,000/per month.
District Programme Coordinator 22 District Rs. 35,000/per month
District Programme Assistant 22 District Rs. 20,000/per month

0191-2479030     StateNodal Officer, PMMVY, J&K, Jammu

0194-2450083     Deputy Director ICDS Kashmir

0191-2479880     Deputy Director ICDS Jammu


State Programme Coordinator, State Programme Assistant, District Programme Coordinator, District Programme Assistant, Integrated Child Development Services, JKICDS, ICDS Jobs, ICDS Jammu, ICDS Kashmir, J&K Govt Jobs, JK Jobs, Jobs in Jammu, Jobs in Kashmir


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

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