Fresh Directorate of Health Services Recruitment for Various Posts
Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates of Kashmir Division for the hiring of contractual manpower for the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) under Directorate of Health Services,Kashmir for Divisional level & District level posts.
However, preference shall be given to the candidates of the respective district where the vacancy is available.
Applications must be submitted within two (2) week’s time after publication of notification at the office of State Surveillance officer, (SSO) Kashmir at RFPTC building behind Provincial Medical Store, Shah Asrar Colony Barzulla Srinagar
Division : Kashmir

Terms and Conditions
The hiring is purely on contractual basis for the period of one year, which will be renewable on yearly basis on the performance of the candidate. In case of unsatisfactory performance, the State Health Society shall have the right to terminate hiring without assigning any reason.
The Contractual hiring shall not confer any right on the appointment to claim extension or benefits.
The consolidated honorarium per month is inclusive of all allowances and monetary benefits.
Remuneration for first month shall be retained as security and shall be paid only after successful completion of one year contractual term. In case of breach of contract before its completion, one month remuneration will be forfeited, for which you shall have no claim what so ever.
The candidate shall have to give two months notice before leaving the contractual service.
The candidate would be the part of state programme management unit functioning under State Health Society NRHM.
The candidate will be required to tour extensively within entire state and occasionally outside state and shall be entitled to daily allowances as admissible under the financial guidelines of the State Health Society.
The entitlement of leave travel etc shall be governed by the rules in vogue and as applicable to the contractual/consolidated employees at State Health Society.
The hiring shall be governed by other terms and conditions as are not specifically mentioned herein but are made applicable in case of such appointments at any time by the contracting authority.
The candidate shall have to join his duties within two (2) Weeks from the date of issue of this letter along with all requisite original testimonials failing which his/ her engagement shall automatically be treated as cancelled. The Applications Should be attached with the attested copies of the following testimonials:
Essential qualification/ degree certificates.
Marks cards/ certificate of essential qualification.
Relevant post graduation certificate.
Marks certificate of post graduation.
Relevant experience certificate from competent authority.
Matriculation certificate/ DOB.
State subject certificate.
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