Thursday, 28 February 2019

J&K National Highway Updates for 01 March 2019

J&K National Highway Updates for 01 March 2019

Date : 01 March 2019


Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Traffic movement on Jammu-Srinagar NHW on 01.03.2019,

subject to fair weather/road condition tomorrow only stranded vehicles shall be allowed towards Jammu



J&K National Highway Updates for 01 March 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Selection Lists for Various Posts for Various Departments

JKSSB Selection Lists for Various Posts for Various Departments

JKSSB Selection list Notification for Draftsman, Jr Dental Technician, Junior Librarian, Labour Officer, Statistical Assistant, Library Assistant

Post Name : Draftsman, Jr Dental Technician, Junior Librarian, Labour Officer, Statistical Assistant, Library Assistant

Department : Various

Selection list of candidates for the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical), (Department of Disaster Management Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction ), Divisional Cadre Kashmir Advt/Item No 04/2017/02 under PM Package for Kashmiri Migrants 


Selection list of the candidates for the post of Junior Engineer Civil (Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction), Divisional Cadre Kashmir, Item No 028 (04 of 2017 Dated:-01-12-2017) under PM package for Kashmiri Migrants. 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Draftsman (civil)” (Public Works (R&B) Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/03. 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Draftsman (Electrical)” (Power Development Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/08. 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Draftsman (Mechanical)” (Public Works (R&B) Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/04. 


Notice to the candidate namely Gouhar Ahmad Dar S/o Ghulam Nabi Dar regarding submission of documents for the post of Jr Supervisor /Sub Auditor, District Cadre Baramulla, Item No 332(06 of 2015)


Selection list of the candidates for the post of Junior System Engineer, (Department of Disaster Management Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction ), Divisional Cadre Kashmir Advt/Item No 04/2017/20 under PM Package for Kashmiri Migrants 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Jr Dental Technician” (Health and Medical Education Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/160 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Junior Librarian” (School Education Department), District Cadre Srinagar, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/52 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Junior Librarian” (School Education Department), District Cadre Kupwara, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/56. 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Junior Librarian” (School Education Department), District Cadre Anantnag, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/61. 


Selection List of candidates for the post of Mechanic (SMG), (Transport Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir Item No. 019 Advertisement No. 04 of 2017, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants. 


Selection List of candidates for the post of Labour Officer (Labour & Emloyment Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir Advt/Item No. 04/2017/24 under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants 


Selection List of candidates for the post of Statistical Assistant (Planning & Development Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir Advt/Item No. 04/2017/153 under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants. 


Selection list of candidates for the post of Junior Engineer Electrical (Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction), Divisional Cadre Kashmir, Item No 07 (04 of2017 Dated:-01-12-2017) under PM package for Kashmiri Migrants. 


Selection list of candidates for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil), (Department of Disaster Management Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction ), Divisional Cadre Kashmir Advt/Item No 04/2017/01 under PM Package for Kashmiri Migrants 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Library Assistant” (School Education Department), District Cadre Srinagar, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/42 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Library Assistant” (School Education Department), District Cadre Budgam, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/43 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Library Assistant” (School Education Department), District Cadre Kupwara, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/46. 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Library Assistant” (School Education Department), District Cadre Kulgam under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/50. 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Library Assistant” (School Education Department), District Cadre Anantnag, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/51. 


Selection List of the candidates for the post of “Draftsman (Civil)” (PHE, I&FC Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir, under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmiri Migrants vide Advertisement No. 04/2017/29. 

from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

IAF Pilot will Release Tomorrow : Imran Khan

IAF Pilot will Release Tomorrow : Imran Khan

Imran Khan says IAF pilot in Pakistan’s custody will be released tomorrow

Following a failed retaliatory attempt, Pakistan once again violated the Indian airspace in the Krishna Ghati sector along the Line of Control on Thursday afternoon. Two jets tried to enter but were chased out by the Indian Air Force aircraft.

A day after Indian Air Force bombed terror training camps across the Line of Control in Pakistan, a nervy Pakistan attempted a retaliation and failed. Tensions escalated as both nations shot down each other’s warplanes and breached airspace for the first time since 1971.

Pakistan also claimed to hold an IAF pilot captive after the air combat Wednesday. A statement from India`s foreign ministry said the pilot`s treatment was a “vulgar display of an injured personnel of the Indian Air Force in violation of all norms of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Convention,” ordering his immediate release

Source : Zee News


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

ICDS Interview Notification for Various Posts, J&K

ICDS Interview Notification for Various Posts, J&K

ICDS Jobs for Women welfare officer and District Coordinator Posts, Govt Recruitment in ICDS

Posts : Women welfare officer and District Coordinator

Interview of the candidates shortlisted for the post of Women welfare officer and District Coordinator (Contractual appointment ).

The interview of the following shortlisted candidates is being conducted on 05/03/2019 (Tuesday) at 11:30 am in the office chamber of Deputy Commissioner Kulgam.

The following shortlisted candidates are informed to attend the interview on scheduled date, time, and venue along with Certificates/Testimonials in original

District : Kulgam



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Mount Litera Zee School Jobs Recruitment 2019

Mount Litera Zee School MLZS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019

Zee school Jammu invites Applications for Session 2019-20 for various vacancies

Jammu Zee School Jobs, Mount Litera Zee School, Teaching Jobs, Non Teaching Jobs, MLZS Jobs

Post Name : Teacher 

TGT with B.Ed having minimum 4 years of teaching experience.

PGT (English/Hindi/Science/Maths/Computers) with B.Ed. having minimum 4 years of teaching experience.

Physical Education Teacher

M.PEd./ B.P .Ed. with minimum 3 years experience.

Co-ordinator for Pre-Primary Wing

Graduate / Post Graduate having sufficient experience for the post and good communication skills.


M. Lib (Sc) with minimum 3 years of experience and sufficient knowledge of Computers.

Art & Craft Teacher

Should be graduate in Fine Arts.

Pvt. Secretary to Chairman (Female) 

Should be graduate with good communication skills.

Office Administrator: in the office of Chairman

Should be graduate with good communication skills and sufficient experience.

Section Officer :

Should have sufficient experience for the post


Should have sufficient knowledge and experience to deal with the Accounts of school and knowledge of computer is must.

Peon (Male /Female)

How to apply MLZS Zee school Jammu :

Please send your C.V. at by 07 March 2019

For Enquiry Contact : 9622277106


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly Secretariat Class IV Recruitment

Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly Secretariat Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019

Class IV Jobs in Jammu in Legislative Assembly Secretariat


DATED: 27.02.2019

Date of commencement for submission of applications : 01 March 2019

Last Date for submission of applications:22 March 2019

Posts : Various

Total Number of posts advertised : 28

Posts Details Below

Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly Secretariat Class IV Recruitment

1. The Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates being submitted by the candidate in support of the Candidature must have been issued by a recognized University/College/Board/Institution.

2. For the posts advertised with item code I-A knowledge of Computer is must.

3. The number of posts advertised might increase or decrease at the time of final selection depending upon the vacancies available.

The applicants should fulfill the following conditions:

Should be permanent residents of J&K State

Are having age as on 01.01.2019:

Not below 18 years; and

Not above

40 years in case of open merit

43 years in case of SC/ST/RBA/ALC/OBC candidates.
42 years In case of physically challenged candidates.
42 years in case of in service candidates and in case of employees working in J&K Legislative Assembly on temporary/need/Contractual basis.

Are in possession of the prescribed Academic/Professional/ Technical qualifications and fulfill all other eligibility conditions wherever required as shown against each post/item.

The Legislative Assembly Secretariat reserves its right to shortlist the candidates in case the number of applications are large on the basis of criteria to be adopted in this behalf which may include marks obtained in matriculation and 10+2.

How to apply

The application as per format annexed at Annexure “A” with two Passport size photographs and self attested documents to be submitted in the MLAs’ Hostel Srinagar and MLAs’ Hostel Jammu on all working days from 10 a.m to 5 p.m or through registered post in the name of Secretary J&K Legislative Assembly Jammu/ Srinagar.

The appointments will be made strictly in accordance with the SRO-202 of 2015.

Click here for Application Form


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKBOSE Class 10th & 12th Exams Postponed, Check Details

JKBOSE Class 10th & 12th Exams Postponed, Check Details

In view of the prevailing situation, it is hereby notified that examination of following subjects pertaining to Higher Secondary Part-II (Class-12th) Regular Annual Session 2019 (Summer Zone) which was scheduled to be held as per Revised Date Sheet on 01 March 2019 and Secondary School (Class-10th) Annual Session 2019 Regular Summer Zone, JO scheduled to be held on 02 March 2019, have been postponed

Postponed dates : 01 March, 02 March

Fresh date : notified separately

The fresh dates for holding the examination of a fore mentioned postponed Subjects shall be notified separately.

However, rest of the papers w.e.f 05-03-2019 (in respect of Class-12th) and 06-03-2019 (in respect of Class-10th) shall be held as per the date sheets already notified.

For updated details kindly visit official website our JKUpdates App and Website


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

All Schools upto Class 12th falling within 0-5 kms from LoC Closed

All Schools upto Class 12th falling within 0-5 kms from LoC Closed

Date : 28 Feb 2019


All Schools upto Class 12th falling within 0-5 kms from LoC and IB in district jammu shall remain close tomorrow ( 28 Feb 2019) in view of prevailing situation.

By Order DM Jammu.





from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 28 Feb 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 28 Feb 2019

Date : 28 Feb 2019


Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Traffic movement on Jammu-Srinagar NHW on 28.02.2019, subject to fair weather/road condition tomorrow only stranded vehicles shall be allowed towards Jammu


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 28 Feb 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKBOSE Class 12th Revised Date Sheet

JKBOSE Class 12th Revised Date Sheet

Class : 12th

Session : Annual Regular 2019

Province : Jammu

Timing : 11 AM


Click here for Complete Date Sheet


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Withheld Recommendation for Teachers Posts in Various District

JKSSB Withheld Recommendation for Teachers Posts in Various District

Post : Teacher

Districts : Various

Advertisement Notification No : 06 of 2017

Items No. : Various


Information regarding withheld recommendation of candidates for the post of Teachers (Various Districts) pursuant to various item numbers of Advertisement Notification No 06 of 2017

JKSSB Selection List OUT for Teachers Posts for Various Districts




from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Fresh Directorate of Health Services Recruitment for Various Posts

Fresh Directorate of Health Services Recruitment for Various Posts

Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates of Kashmir Division for the hiring of contractual manpower for the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) under Directorate of Health Services,Kashmir for Divisional level & District level posts.

However, preference shall be given to the candidates of the respective district where the vacancy is available.

Applications must be submitted within two (2) week’s time after publication of notification at the office of State Surveillance officer, (SSO) Kashmir at RFPTC building behind Provincial Medical Store, Shah Asrar Colony Barzulla Srinagar

Division : Kashmir

Terms and Conditions

The hiring is purely on contractual basis for the period of one year, which will be renewable on yearly basis on the performance of the candidate. In case of unsatisfactory performance, the State Health Society shall have the right to terminate hiring without assigning any reason.

The Contractual hiring shall not confer any right on the appointment to claim extension or benefits.

The consolidated honorarium per month is inclusive of all allowances and monetary benefits.

Remuneration for first month shall be retained as security and shall be paid only after successful completion of one year contractual term. In case of breach of contract before its completion, one month remuneration will be forfeited, for which you shall have no claim what so ever.

The candidate shall have to give two months notice before leaving the contractual service.

The candidate would be the part of state programme management unit functioning under State Health Society NRHM.

The candidate will be required to tour extensively within entire state and occasionally outside state and shall be entitled to daily allowances as admissible under the financial guidelines of the State Health Society.

The entitlement of leave travel etc shall be governed by the rules in vogue and as applicable to the contractual/consolidated employees at State Health Society.

The hiring shall be governed by other terms and conditions as are not specifically mentioned herein but are made applicable in case of such appointments at any time by the contracting authority.

The candidate shall have to join his duties within two (2) Weeks from the date of issue of this letter along with all requisite original testimonials failing which his/ her engagement shall automatically be treated as cancelled. The Applications Should be attached with the attested copies of the following testimonials:

Essential qualification/ degree certificates.

Marks cards/ certificate of essential qualification.

Relevant post graduation certificate.

Marks certificate of post graduation.

Relevant experience certificate from competent authority.

Matriculation certificate/ DOB.

State subject certificate.


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

India shoots down Pakistan Air Force’s F-16 that violated Indian air space

India shoots down Pakistan Air Force’s F-16 that violated Indian air space

India shot down a Pakistani F-16 jet that crossed the LoC after violating the Indian air space in retaliatory fire 3km within Pakistan territory in Lam valley, Nowshera sector.

Indian Air Force took the action moments after Pakistani jets violated Indian airspace and dropped bombs.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has claimed to have arrested an Indian pilot after shooting down two aircraft of Indian Air Force.

The head of the media wing of Pakistan’s military, Major General Asif Ghafoor, tweeted that one of the aircraft fell in Jammu and Kashmir, while the other fell in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.




from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K ICDS Recruitment Important Notification

J&K ICDS Recruitment Important Notification

It is informed to all those applicants who have applied for the post of Anganwadi Worker of different hamlets of ICDS Project Breng vide this office advertisement No: CDPO/Breng/14/158-59 Dated: 20/10/14 and re-advertised vide this office No. CDPO/Breng/17/346- 49 Dated:07/09/17,

Post Name : Anganwadi Workers

that the interview of the said posts will be conducted on 02/03/2019 at Child Development Project Office ICDS Project Breng ( Vailoo) at 10:30 am.

Interview Date : 02 March 2019

All the applicants are requested to report the CDPO office Breng (Vailoo) on 02/03/2019 at 10:30 am along with original documents.

The Detail of Hamlets are given Below


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKBOSE Class 12th General English New Date Sheet

JKBOSE Class 12th General English New Date Sheet

JKBOSE Date Sheet for General English Exam for Class 12th Regular Annual Session 2019, Jammu Division

In partial modification of Notification No.: F(Exam­-IIIB/JD/2019 Dated: 25-02-2019, it is notified for information of all the concerned that the examination of General English Subject pertaining to

Higher Secondary Part-II (Class-12th) Regular Annual Session 2019 (Summer Zone) Jammu Division, that was re-scheduled for 03-3-2019 (Sunday), has been postponed and shall now be held on 25-03-2019 (Monday) instead of 03-3-2019.

Exam was on : 03 March 2019

New Date : 25 March 2019

Note : Time and Venue shall remain same


JKBOSE Class 12th General English New Date Sheet,, JKBOSE, JKBOSE Results, JKBOSE Exams, JKBOSE Notifications,J&K School Board, JK Board, JKBoard, JK Bord, JKBOSE Date Sheet, Class 10, Class 11th, Class 12th Date Sheet


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Sopore Encounter Update: One Militant Killed

Militant killed in an ongoing encounter in south Kashmir’s Shopian district on Wednesday

In joint team of army, SOG and CRPF launched a search operation in Meemender village,

on the outskirts of Shopian town around 5 am following credible inputs about the presence of militants.

Firing has stopped now.

Search Operation under way

from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Assistant Storekeeper-cum-Clerk Posts Shortlisting

JKSSB Assistant Storekeeper-cum-Clerk Posts Shortlisting

JKSSB Assistant Storekeeper-cum-Clerk Jobs Notification of Provisional shortlists in Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, J&K Counselling and Document Verification

Post : Assistant Storekeeper-cum-Clerk

Cadre : Divisional

Division : Kashmir

Notification No. : 03 of 2017, Item No.01

Department : Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department


Provisional shortlists for the posts of Assistant Storekeeper-cum-Clerk (Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department), Divisional Cadre Kashmir Advertised vide Notification No.03 of 2017, Item No.01, for Counselling and Document Verification


JKPSC Selection Lists for Various Posts

University of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019 for Various Posts



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 27 Feb 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 27 Feb 2019

Date : 27 Feb 2019


Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Decision regarding the movement of vehicles on Jammu-Srinagar NHW shall be taken on tomorrow

i.e. 27.02.2019 after assessing the weather/road condition as road has sunk near Ramban bazar


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 27 Feb 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKPSC Selection Lists for Various Posts

JKPSC Selection Lists for Various Posts

Posts : Various

Select List for the posts of Lecturer Prosthodontics in Indira Gandhi Dental College, Jammu in Health & Medical Education Department.

Select List for the posts of Lecturer Pedodontics in Indira Gandhi Dental College, Jammu in Health & Medical Education Department.

Select List for the posts of Lecturer Pedodontia in Government Dental College, Srinagar in Health & Medical Education Department.

Select List for the posts of Lecturer Orthodontics in Indira Gandhi Dental College, Jammu in Health & Medical Education Department.

Select List for the posts of Lecturer Conservative & Operative Dentistry in Indira Gandhi Dental College, Jammu in Health & Medical Education Department



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

University of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019 for Various Posts

University of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019

KU invites application for JRF and Field Assistant posts

Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates for the below mentioned positions available in a research project entitled ‘Population dynamics of introduced Cyprinus carpio in Dal Lake and its impact on Lake ecosystem and local Schizothorax species’ sanctioned by DST-SERB, Govt, of India. New Delhi.

1. JRF 01

Essential Qualification : M.Sc. Zoology with min. 55% marks

Desirable Experience : i. M. Sc. Zoology with Research experience in field surveys and sampling.

ii. Preferable: NET/SET

2. Field Assistant 01

Essential Qualification : 12th Pass with min. 50% marks

M.Sc. Zoology with min. 55% marks

Desirable Experience

Ability/Motivation of extensive field surveys and computer skills

How to apply : The applications with full details (name, qualifications, age, working contact number, e-mail ID, etc.) along with xerox copies of the relevant documents should reach the address of the undersigned by or before 12th March,2019. The emoluments will be as per the guidelines of DST-SERB, Govt, of India, New Delhi.

The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the duration of the project.

The date of interview will be communicated separately. Furthermore, no TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

IAF strikes Updates : 350 Terrorists Killed so far

IAF strikes Updates : 350 Terrorists Killed so far

In a swift and precise air strike following the Pulwama attack, India bombed and destroyed Jaish-e-Mohammed’s biggest training camp in Pakistan early Tuesday, killing a “very large number” of terrorists, trainers and senior commanders

Hundreds of Fidayeen and their trainers were shifted from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir to a five-star, resort style camp in a hilltop forest in Balakot after the Pulwama attack, providing Indian forces with “a sitting duck target” when they carried out an air strike early Tuesday, killing up to 350 terrorists: PTI quoting sources

Key Jaish e Mohammed operatives targeted in today’s air strikes: Maulana Ammar(in pic 1, associated with Afghanistan and Kashmir ops) and Maulana Talha Saif(pic 2), brother of Maulana Masood Azhar and head of preparation wing


India strikes terror camps across LoC, 1,000kg bombs were dropped on terror camps


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Recruitment for Various Posts in Studyme School

Recruitment for Various Posts in Studyme School

Requirement Online Educator

Educator for class 8th to 10th

Subject : Chemistry / Physics

Qualification : MSc or Graduate

Work Place : Bari Brahmana

Working hour : 3 hours per day ( flexible timing)

Click here to Apply


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKBOSE Class 12th New Date Sheet for Postponed Exams

JKBOSE Class 12th New Date Sheet for Postponed Exams

Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education JKBOSE Class 12th Date sheet for postponed exams

It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that examination of following subjects pertaining to Higher Secondary Part-II (Class-12th) Regular Annual Session 2019 (Summer Zone) Jammu Division,

which was postponed vide notification No. F(Exam-III)B/JD/2019 dated 20-02-2019), shall now be held on the dates shown below



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

New Govt Medical College GMC Fresh Recruitment for 27 Posts

New Govt Medical College GMC Fresh Recruitment for 27 Posts

J&K Government Medical College GMC, Jobs Recruitment 2019. Invites application for House Officers / Junior Residents at GMC Doda

Applications on plain paper are invited for the posts (27) of House Officers / Junior Residents for various specialties at Govt. Medical College Doda, on following terms and conditions:-

Post Name : House Officers / Junior Residents

Total Post : 27

Last Date : 28 February 2019

That an applicant should produce

1. Permanent Resident of the State (attached PRC).
2. Date of Birth certificate.
3. MBBS Certificate.
4. Attempt Certificate.
5. Internship Completion Certificate.
6. MCI/ State Medical Council certificate.
7. Merit Certificate if any.
8. Certificate of extra co-curricular activities/ sports if any issued by the competent authority.
9. Affidavit of character and antecedents.

The above mentioned certificates along with applications should be mailed to the undersigned on on or before 28th of February 2019.

New Govt Medical College GMC Fresh Recruitment for 27 Posts, GMC Doda Jobs, New Medical Colleges, New GMC’s, House Officers / Junior Residents Jobs


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

India strikes terror camps across LoC, 1,000kg bombs were dropped on terror camps

India strikes terror camps across LoC

IAF Mirage 2000 fighters bomb terror camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK)

This comes days after Pakistan-based terror group JeM carried out the deadly attack in Pulwama which left 40 CRPF jawans dead

Indian aircrafts intruded from Muzafarabad sector. Facing timely and effective response from Pakistan Air Force released payload in haste while escaping which fell near Balakot. No casualties or damage,” Major General Asif Ghafoor, Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the media wing of the army, claimed in a tweet

IAF sources claim that 1,000kg bombs were dropped on terror camps across the LoC

12 Mirage 2000 jets took part in the operation that dropped 1000kg bombs on terror camps across LOC, completely destroying it: ANI quoting IAF sources

At 0330 hours on 26th February a group of Mirage 2000 Indian Fighter jets struck a major terrorist camp across the LoC and completely destroyed it: ANI quoting IAF sources


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Last Date Extended for New Govt Medical Colleges (GMC) Posts

JKSSB Last Date Extended for New Govt Medical Colleges (GMC) Posts

Extension in last date for submission of online application form for various advertisements

It is notified that the last date for submission of online application forms through JKSSB’s online application portal, in respect of following advertisements is extended to 14th of March, 2019 from 27th of February, 2019

Last date : 14 March 2019 (Extended)

The last date for submission of online application forms shall now be 14th of March, 2019. However, the other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged

1. Advertisement No.01 of 2019 dated 01.02.2019 for GMC Anantnag, Divisional Cadre Kashmir.

2. Advertisement No.02 of 2019 dated 01.02.2019 for GMC Baramulla, Divisional Cadre Kashmir.

3. Advertisement No.03 of 2019 dated 01.02.2019 for GMC Rajouri, Divisional Cadre Jammu.

4. Advertisement No.04 of 2019 dated 01.02.2019 for GMC Doda, Divisional Cadre Jammu.

5. Advertisement No.05 of 2019 dated 01.02.2019 for GMC Kathua, Divisional Cadre Jammu.

6. Advertisement No.06 of 2019 dated 01.02.2019 for State Cadre posts of Forensic Science Laboratory of Home


Extension in last date for submission of online application form for various advertisements 


Click here for JKSSB Fresh Recruitment for 1235 posts for five New Medical Colleges (GMC) Notification


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Monday, 25 February 2019

All colleges in District Jammu to start functioning normally from 26 Feb 2019

All colleges in District Jammu to start functioning normally from 26 Feb 2019

All colleges in District Jammu to start functioning normally from 26 Feb 2019 and onwards.

Deputy Commissioner Jammu tweeted about the Information


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 26 Feb 2019



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 26 Feb 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 26 Feb 2019

Date : 26 Feb 2019


Traffic updates Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

People are requested to undertake journey on the NHW only after confirming status of the road from TCU Srinagar (01942450022, 2485396),

TCU Ramban (9419993745) and TCU Jammu (01912459048, 9419147732) and PCR Jammu (0191-2544581, 2542000, 2542001,2560401) & 1090


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 26 Feb 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Selection List OUT for Teachers Posts for Various Districts

JKSSB Selection List for Teachers Posts for Various Districts

JKSSB General Line Teachers Selection Lists , Maths / Science Teachers Result, Urdu Teachers Notification

Selection list of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Anantnag Advt/Item No. 06/2017/029 . 

Selection list of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Ganderbal Advt/Item No. 06/2017/033. 

Selection list of Candidates for the post of Science & Maths Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Kulgam, Advt/Item No. 06/2017/20 Dated:-28-12-2017 . 

Selection list of Candidates for the post of General Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Kulgam Advt/Item No. 06/2017/006 Dated:-28-12-2017. 

Selection list of candidates for the post of Science & Maths Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Anantnag Advt/Item No. 06/2017/15 Dated:-28-12-2017. 

Selection list of candidates for the post of General Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Anantnag Advt/Item No. 06/2017/001 . 

Selection list of candidates for the post of Science & Maths Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Bandipora, Advt/Item No. 06/2017/16 Dated:-28-12-2017. 

Selection list of Candidates for the post of Science & Maths Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Ganderbal, Advt/Item No. 06/2017/19 . 

Selection of Candidates for the post of Science & Maths Teacher (School Education Department), District Cadre Shopian, Advt/Item No. 06/2017/23 Dated:-28-12-2018. 

Selection list of candidates for the post of General Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Kupwara Advt/Item No. 06/2017/007. 

Selection List of candidates for the post of General Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Rajouri, Item No. 014(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Science/Math Teacher (School Education Department), District Cadre Rajouri, Item No. 028(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection list of candidates for the post of General Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Ganderbal Advt/Item No. 06/2017/005 . 

Selection list of Candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Kulgam Advt/Item No. 06/2017/034. 

Selection list of candiates for the post of General Teacher (School Education Department), District Cadre Shopian Advt/Item No. 06/2017/009 Dated: 28-12-2017 

Selection list of candidates for the post of Science & Maths Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Kupwara, Advt/Item No. 06/2017/21 . 

Selection list of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Bandipora Advt/Item No. 06/2017/030 . 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Science/ Maths Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Samba, Item No. 025(06 of 2017 Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Science/ Math Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Udhampur, Item No. 026(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Udhampur, Item No. 040(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of post of General Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Budgam, Item No. 004(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Science/ Math Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Budgam, Item No. 018(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of General Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Baramulla, Item No. 003(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection list of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Pulwama Advt/Item No. 06/2017/036. Dated:-28-12-2017 

Selection list of candidates for the post of Science & Maths Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Pulwama, Advt/Item No. 06/2017/22 . 

Selection list of candidates for the post of General Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Pulwama Advt/Item No. 06/2017/008. 

Selection of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Shopian Advt/Item No. 06/2017/037 Dated.28-12-2017 

Selection list of Candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Kupwara Advt/Item No. 06/2017/035. 

Selection list of candidates for the post of General Teacher (Education Department), District Cadre Bandipora Advt/Item No. 06/2017/002 . 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Rajouri, Item No. 042(06 of 2017 Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of General Teacher (School Education Department), District Cadre Reasi, Item No. 013(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Science/Math Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Reasi, Item No. 027, (06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of post of Urdu Teacher (School Education Department), District Cadre Reasi, Item No. 041(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of General Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Samba, Item No. 011(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Samba, Item No. 039(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of post of General Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Udhampur, Item No. 012(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Budgam, Item No. 032(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Science/ Math Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Baramulla, Item No. 017(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 

Selection List of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher (School Education Department) District Cadre Baramulla, Item No. 031(06 of 2017, Dated 28-12-2017) 


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K Police State Crime Branch Jobs Recruitment 2019

J&K Police State Crime Branch Jobs Recruitment 2019

JK Police , J&K Police, Jammu and Kashmir Police Crime Branch Jobs Details

Applications are invited for the Engagement of Junior Cyber Forensic Consultant on contractual basis in State Crime Branch, J&K

Post Name : Junior Cyber Forensic Consultant

Department : State Crime Branch, J&K

Eligibility :

Preference will be given to the candidates with field experience in Cyber Forensic Investigation/ Teaching experience in Cyber Forensic.

How to apply J&K Police :

Interested candidates are requested to submit the applications on plain paper with relevant documents in the office of IGP, State Crime Branch J&K, CPO Chowk, Panjtirthi, Jammu, before 01 March 2019

Last Date : 1st March 2019


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JK Bank Fresh Recruitment, Apply Now

JK Bank Fresh Recruitment, Apply Now


Eligibility :

Retired or serving officer, not below the rank of Deputy General Manager or equivalent of another bank / Financial sector Regulatory Body, having necessary skills and experience of minimum seven years of working in areas such as banking, supervision, payment and settlement systems and/or consumer protection.

Should not have worked / be working in J&K Bank at any point of time.

Should not be above 65 years of age as on 01.01.2019

Should be a permanent resident of J&K state

No. of Posts : One (01)

Salary : Negotiable

Tenure of Contractual engagement : 3 Years extendable up to maximum of 5 Years.

Interested candidates should mail their applications & CV by or before 03 March 2019 to

Human Resources Corporate Headquarters M.A. Road, Srinagar


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Sunday, 24 February 2019

No Band Call or Curfew in Jammu on 25 Feb 2019, Stay Away from Rumors

No Band Call or Curfew in Jammu, Stay Away from Rumors

It has come to notice that some rumor mongers are spreading rumors of Band Call and Curfew in Jammu.

People are requested not to pay any heed to rumors.

Situation in Jammu is peaceful and there is no such Band Call or Curfew planned by administration



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 25 Feb 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 25 Feb 2019

Date : 25 Feb 2019


Traffic movement on 25.02.2019 on Jmu-Sgr NHW, subject to fair weather & road condition from Srinagar towards Jammu from Pantha Chowk/Peaks Chowk Bypass,

Sgr. from 0600 hrs. to 1200 hrs. from ( Levdora) Qzd.0800 hrs. to 1400 hrs. Thereafter HMVs shall be allowed

On 25.02.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation.


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 25 Feb 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Fresh District Health Society Recruitment for Various Posts

Fresh District Health Society Recruitment for Various Posts

Applications arc invited from eligible candidate of District Kulgam (Medical Jurisdiction) as per the mentioned medical blocks on prescribed format available in the office of the under signed for the to following vacancies under National Health Mission , which should reach to this office within fifteen (15) days from the publication of the notice, the applications shad be issued and received on working days unto 3:00 PM. applications received after last date shat not be entertained

Posts : Various

Last date : with in 15 Days

All applications shad be governed by the below noted terms and conditions.

All engagements at on Contractual basis and contracts are terminable at one no:nib’s notice from either employee or employer.

In case of unmarried Female candidates. Form should be accompanied with duly issued Unmarried Certificate by Tehsildar.

The medical District shall mean jurisdiction of Chief Medical officer Kulgam and medical Block shall mean jurisdiction of respective Rock Medical Officer

The local criteria shad be governed by local criteria as per letter No SHSNRHINJ&K004126-37 dated 11-03-2013 received from Mission Director NHM J8K (State Health Society J&K).

The eligibility in every respect shall be determined as on the last date of submission of application form.

The candidature shall be °Greeted in case It Is found at any stage of your Hiring that You have concealed any

Fact or submitted fraudulent certificates or misrepresented the facts to avail the candidature.

Posts Details Below



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Teachers Selection Lists Declare Tomorrow : Officials

JKSSB Teachers Selection Lists Declare Tomorrow : Officials

Posts : Teachers

Subjects : General Line Teachers, Science/ Maths Teachers/ Urdu Teachers

According to JKSSB, selections of Teachers shall be uploaded tomorrow

Stay Checking JKUpdates Website & JKUpdates Mobile Android App.

Click here to Download our Official Mobile Android App

Install Our Mobile App —>




from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Kendriya Vidyalaya Central University of Jammu Recruitment 2019

Kendriya Vidyalaya Central University of Jammu Recruitment 2019


Applications are invited for the following posts on purely contractual Part time Basis for the session 2019-20

Posts : Various

Note :- Application form and all other related information/ Instructions/Eligibility Criteria for the applied post may please be downloaded from our website i.e

Application forms duly completed along with documentary evidence must reach to this office on or before 2nd of March, 2019 upto 02.00 PM by hand or by post.

No TA/DA will be permissible for attending the interview or otherwise.

Posts Details Below

S. No. Name of the Post Subject Date of Interview (Time : 08.30 AM)
1.            TGT English, Mathematics, Sanskrit 06-03-2019
2.          Misc Sports Coach & Computer Instructor 06-03-2019
3. PRT 07-03-2019



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Army Public school (APS) Recruitment for Various APS

Army Public school (APS) Recruitment for Various APS

APS Nagrota, APS BD Bari Jobs Recruitment Notification for Various Posts, School Jobs for Teaching & Non Teaching Posts

Posts : Various

Check all Posts Details, Qualification, How to Apply Below.

Army Public School Nagrota Jobs Details Below

Army Public School BD Bari Jobs Details Below

APS Nagrota, APS BD Bari Jobs Recruitment Notification for Various Posts, School Jobs for Teaching & Non Teaching Posts


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

SAP Academy, Fresh Batches Available

SAP Academy, Fresh Batches Available


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Fresh Recruitment in New Govt Medical College, New GMC Jobs Recruitment

Fresh Recruitment in New Govt Medical College, New GMC Jobs Recruitment

Advertisement for engagement of faculty members under SRO 24 dated 10-01-2019 in newly established Govt. Medical College at Doda, GMC Doda Recruitment

Last Date : 28 Feb 2019

Applications are invited from the candidates (Non-PSC) and Retired Faculty in terms of SRO-24 dated 10-01-2019 for the following departments

The appointment shall be initially for a period of one year extendable up to maximum of six years (one year at a time and subject to good performance and conduct) or till the selection/promotion is made in accordance with the rules of Recruitment, governing the respective posts, whichever is earlier, for appointment in the Medical College, Doda in accordance with the Recruitment rules governing the respective post as per the details mentioned below

Advertisement for engagement of faculty members under SRO 24 dated 10-01-2019 in newly established Govt. Medical College at Doda

The appointees on academic arrangement bases shall be paid a monthly consolidated salary as per the scales defined in the SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10th January 2019. The Professors /Associate Professor appointed in Medical College Doda will be entitled to additional monthly incentives of Rs 50,000/ and Rs. 45,000/ respectively

The appointees shall also be entitled to House Rent Allowance (HRA) as applicable to in-service candidates carrying the minimum of pre revise scale of the post subject to fulfillment of the conditions provided under the relevant rules in this regard.

Staff engaged on teaching post shall be put on teaching and research duties and shall not be assigned any administrative duties at any level, like the position of Principal, Head of the Department and Head of the Unit

The selection of the candidates for such posts shall be made by the respective committee constituted by the Govt. for each Govt. Medical College

The candidates are advised to submit the copies of the following documents with their application form:

  1. MBBS Degree and MCI Registration Certificate
  2. Post-Graduate Degree and MCI Registration Certificate
  3. Higher qualification Certificate DM/MCH only
  4. Experience Certificate issued by the competent authority/ Head of the Institution.
  5. Professional Publications in a indexed/ National Journals as prescribed.
  6. Date of birth Certificate
  7. Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC).

The selection shall be made in accordance with the rules prescribed in the SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10.01.2019 and the relevant Recruitment Rules thereof.

The appointment under these rules shall not entitle the appointee to any preferential claim for regular appointment

The merit shall be calculated as per the selection criteria referred above for the purpose of the selection. In case of any dispute, the decision of Chairperson of the Selection committee shall be final.

The applications along-with requisite documents should reach the office of undersigned by 28th Feb 2019 by email on :

Advertisement for engagement of faculty members under SRO 24 dated 10-01-2019 in newly established Govt. Medical College at Doda


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Notice regarding submission of documents for the post of Junior Assistant

JKSSB Notice regarding submission of documents for the post of Junior Assistant

Post : Junior Assistant

Cadre : District

District : Ganderbal

Item No : 47 (02 of 2017)


Notice to the candidate regarding submission of documents for the post of Jr Assistant, District Cadre Ganderbal, Item No 47 (02 of 2017)


Fresh Directorate of Sainik Welfare Recruitment 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 24 Feb 2019

JKSSB Notice regarding submission of documents for the post of Junior Assistant, JKSSB Notification, JKSSB, Recruitment, JKSSB Jobs,ssbjk,,JKSSBPOSTS, various J&K Govt departments, Various Posts, Various Selection Lists, JKSSB Selection Lists, J&K Govt Jobs,Jobs in Jammu, Jobs in Kashmir, J&K Jobs, JK Jobs, JKUpdate


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Fresh Directorate of Sainik Welfare Recruitment 2019

Fresh Directorate of Sainik Welfare Recruitment 2019 Amphalla Jammu J&K Jobs Recruitment 2019

Sainik welfare Jammu invites applications for state and district cadre Junior Assistant and Senior Assistant and  Welfare organizer posts in J&K

Post Below

  1. Junior Assistant
  2. Senior Assistant
  3. Welfare organizer

Total Posts : 11

The candidates should not be less than 34 years or more than 52 years of age as on 01 January 2019. provided that the minimum age limit shall not be applicable to the ex- servicemen who have 50% or more disability attributable/aggravated to military service and who are in receipt of disability pension. An ex-serviceman who is already in Government service may apply through proper channel for direct recruitment. All selected candidates must join within 21 days of issue of appointment order.

The appointment against these vacancies will be confirmed after promotional vacancies arc accepted for filling up. subject to clearance of DPC.

Service terms and conditions and emoluments arc applicable as per relevant service rules of the SRO-59 of 2019. State government rules will apply for all relevant service related issues, issued earlier and also in future.

How to apply

Application forms should reach their concerned Zila Sainik Welfare Office by 15 Mar 2019 for District cadre posts and Dtc Office for State Cadre posts positively duly completed in all respects along with following documents, duly attested:-

Matriculate Certificate issued by the recognized Institute (with Date of Birth).

Graduation Certificate issued by the recognized Institutc/Army at the time of retirement.

Attested copies of Academic Qualification Certificate.

Six Months Certificate Courses in Computer applications from a recognized Institute.

Attested copy of Permanent Resident Certificate

Attested copy of Discharge Book from Army/Navy/IAF, also covering character at the time of discharge/release.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. The department has full right to reject the application forms not meeting the eligibility criteria. Eligible ex-servicemen will have to appear for written test/interview at the place, to be intimated later, at their own expense. The candidates who apply for the post and do not get call letters for Written Test/Intervieww will not seek reasons for rejection of their applications from the department.

In terms of Notification issued vide SRO-59 dated 18 Jan 2019. applications are invited on the prescribed Proforma as per Appendix ‘A’ to this Notification from the ex-servicemen of J&K State for State Cadre and concerned District of Ex-Servicemen for District cadre the under mentioned posts:

Post No of Posts Pav Scale Qualification Place of Posting
Senior Assistant – 01 (State Cadre) Senior Assistant 01 (District Cadre) 02 Pay Level- 5 (29200-92300) i)               Graduate or above or having certificate or Graduation from the Defence Services. ii)              Should be retired JCO/NCO from the Army or equivalent in Navy or Air Force. iii)              Should bear an Exemplary Character at the time of retirement from the Defence Services. iv)             .u r at jk up date s. Should have minimum speed of 35 words per minute in type writing and have done six months certificate course in computer applications from recognized institution. v)              Should qualify entrance test as per prescribed syllabus. 1.              Dtc Office. Ambphalla Jammu (State Cadre) 2.              Zila Sainik Welfare Office, Kupwara (District Cadre).
Junior Assistant -01 (State Cadre) Junior Assistant – 06 (District Cadre) 07 Pay Level- 4. (25500-81100) i)               Should deemed to be graduate from Defence Forccs/any recognized University with knowledge of Type Writing having not less than 35 words speed per minute. ii)              Should be an Ex-Servicemen retired in the rank of JCO/NCO. iii)              Should bear an Exemplary character at the time of retirement from the Defence Services. ii)              Possess six months certificate course in Computer applications from recognized Institute. iii)              Should qualify entrance test as per prescribed syllabus. 1.              Die Office, Ambphalla Jammu (State Cadre). 2.              One each at Zila Sainik Welfare Office. Jammu. Udhampur. Raj our i. Poonch. Baramulla and . (District Cadre).
Welfare Organizer (District Cadre) 02 Pay Level-2. (19900-63200) i)               Should deemed to be Graduate from Defence Forccs/any recognized University with knowledge of type writing having not less than 35 words speed per minute. ii)              Should be an ex-serviceman retired in the rank of JCO/NCO from Army or equivalent from Navy or Air Force. iii)              Should bear an Exemplary character at the time of retirement from the Defence Services. iv)              Should have six months certificate course in computer applications from recognized institution. v)              Should qualify entrance test as per prescribed syllabus. vi)              Should be medical category AYE (SHAPE-1). Zila Sainik Welfare Office. Kathua and Udhampur



from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 24 Feb 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 24 Feb 2019

Date : 24 Feb 2019


On 24.02.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Traffic movement again disrupted on Jammu Srinagar NHW due to massive landslide at Marog & intermittent shooting stones at some places between Rbn-Bnl Stretch,

subject to fair weather/clearance of road on 24.02.2019 only stranded Vehs. shall be allowed towards Srinagar


J&K National Highway Traffic Updates : 24 Feb 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

District Health Society Shortlisting of candidates for Interviews

District Health Society Shortlisting of candidates for Interviews

NHM Recruitment under District Health Society for FMPHNV

In continuation to the Advertisement Notifications vide no.NRHMKGM’I-I 10-13 dated 31/03/2016. NRHM/KGI1/563-66 dated 20 10 2016 and NHM KGM5S5-S9 dated 20 12/2016 for the posts of FMPHNV under (NHM) under District Health Society Kulgam and as approved by the Chairman District Health Society Kulgam , the candidates as per annexure (1 to S) are hereby shortlisted on the basis of aggregate points secured in academic merit and performance in screening test keeping the oval criteria (Medical Block) in view.

The interview of the shortlisted

           Date                                    No. of Candidates                            Venue and time

25th of Fcbruary 2019          Annexure 1 to 5                          Confrence Room DC office Kulgam (10:30 AM)

26th of Fcbruary 2019          Annexure 6 to S

The ‘Terms and Conditions* governing the provisional shortlist are as under:

Mere figuring of name in the shortlist does not entitle the candidate to appear in the interview as it shall be subject to checking of original documents on interview and subsequent verification of all the original testimonials of the candidates after selection

In case of deficiency with reference to eligibility set by the apex bodies of respective courses etc proved at any time of the selection process or hereafter, the candidate shall forfeit his /her candidature as well as selection.

In case, at any time it is found that any candidate has used any fraudulent means’ certificates (PRC. Qualification certificates. Unmarried certificates etc.) to available criteria, his ‘her candidature /selection will be cancelled

Click here for Complete Lists


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

New GMC Interview Schedule for Various Posts

New GMC Interview Schedule for Various Posts

Govt Medical College (GMC) Recruitment for New Medical Colleges, New GMC’s

It is hereby notified for information of all those candidates who have applied online for the following posts advertized for academic arrangements under SRO-24 of 2019 in Govt Medical College, Anantnag that the interview for the said posts is scheduled to be held w.e.f 26.02.2019 at Camp Office of Government Medical College, Anantnag ( MMABM District Hospital, Anantnag) as per details shown against each post.

The candidates have been called for interview in the ratio of 1:5 and the cut off merit for each category of post is also shown. For complete details of the candidates who have been called for interview, the candidates are advised to visit the website

The interview dates for the remaining posts advertised shall be notified separately

The list of candidates called for interview shown in Annexure, in alphabetical order, is provisional and has been devised on the basis of the information provided by the candidates in online application forms.

The candidates called for the interview shall furnish an affidavit attested by 1st Class Magistrate that the information furnished by him in the online application form is true to the best of knowledge and if found wrong at any point of time, his candidature for the post shall summarily be rejected.

Mere figuring of the name of a candidate in the list does not entitle him to appear in the
interview unless he possesses the requisite qualification/ merit above the cut off merit for the post.

Any candidate figuring in the shortlist who does not possess the requisite

qualification shall not be allowed to appear before the interview committee.

In case any candidate claims to be having merit more than the cut off merit and is not included
in the list of candidates called for interview, he/she shall visit the office of Principal Govt. Medical College, Anantnag before the date of interview (upto 23.02.2019) with valid proof along with downloaded copy of the application form for settlement of his/her claim.

The candidates shall bring following certificates in original with them at the time of interview:-

a) Date of Birth.

b)State subject.

c) Marks certificates of clan 12th.

d)  Diploma Marks certificate.

a) Identity proof. Two passport size photographs.

One Xerox set of above certificates shall also be furnished at the time of interview.

The candidates are informed that these appointments are on academic arrangement basis and shall terminate as soon as the posts are filled on permanent basis by the competent authority


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Cluster University of Srinagar Revised Date Sheet for Entrance

Cluster University of Srinagar CU Srinagar revised date sheet of Entrance Test

Cluster University Srinagar Revised Date Sheet

Revised Date Sheet for Conduct of Entrance Test for Admission to

5-Year Integrated

3-Year Honor’s

3-Year Professional Courses 

3- Year Integrated 

B.Ed-M.Ed Programme for the Session 2019

Cluster University of Srinagar CU Srinagar revised date sheet of Entrance Test Below


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Cluster university Srinagar Recruitment for Various Posts, Apply Now

Cluster university Srinagar Recruitment for Various Posts, Apply Now

Cluster University Srinagar invites applications from the permanent residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir for the following posts on permanent basis in prescribed pay scales along with qualification mentioned in the detailed Advertisement Notice for each post

Posts : Various

General Instructions : The detailed advertisement Notice along with application form is available on the Cluster University website:

Last Date : 18 March 2019


Contact No : 0194-2311340

Click here for Complete notification

Click here for Application Form


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

New Schedule for Data Entry Operator (DEO) Computer Proficiency Test

New Schedule for Data Entry Operator (DEO) Proficiency Test


Post : Data Entry Operator

It is notified for the information of all the concerned candidates that the computer proficiency test of the candidates for engagement of Data Entry Operators on need basis shall now be held as per the schedule given hereunder

The time, venue and other conditions shall remain same



New Schedule Below

S. No Earlier Schedule New Schedule
1 18-02-2019 05-03-2018
2 19-02-2019 06-03-2019


JKBOSE Revised Class 10th Bi-annual Date sheet 2018-19

JKSSB Disposal of representations/claims for Teachers Posts (General, Science/ Maths, Urdu Teachers)


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Yasin Malik arrested ahead of the crucial hearing on Article 35-A

Yasin Malik arrested ahead of the crucial hearing on Article 35-A

Yasin Malik was arrested from his Maisuma residence and has been taken to the Kothibagh Police Station.

Kashmiri separatist leader and JKLF chief Yasin Malik was arrested from his residence in a late night raid on Friday.

Malik’s detention comes ahead of the crucial hearing on Article 35-A in Supreme Court that is likely to take place on Monday.

More details awaited




from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Friday, 22 February 2019

JKBOSE Revised Class 10th Bi-annual Date sheet 2018-19

Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education JKBOSE Class 10th Bi-annual Date sheet 2018-19

For Secondary School Examination Class 10th Bi-Annual Session 2018-19 of Kashmir Division, excluding of Tehsil Gurez, Machil, Keran and Tangdhar.

Division : Kashmir

Session : Bi Annual 2018-19

JKBOSE Revised Class 10th Bi-annual Date sheet 2018-19

Class IV Lists in J&K Sheep Husbandry Department

Result Declared for Constable in SDRF in J&K Police


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

JKSSB Disposal of representations/claims for Teachers Posts (General, Science/ Maths, Urdu Teachers)

JKSSB Disposal of representations/claims for Teachers Posts (General, Science/ Maths, Urdu Teachers)

Posts : Teachers

Subjects : General, Science/ Maths, Urdu Teachers

Disposal of representations/claims for the posts of Urdu, Science/Maths and General Teachers (06 of 2017)- Issue of preferences

Disposal of representations/claims for the posts of Urdu, Science/Maths and General Teachers (06 of 2017)- Unmentioned degrees in online application form

Disposal of representations/claims for the posts of Urdu, Science/Maths and General Teachers (06 of 2017)-re-checking and score related issues 

Disposal of representations/claims for the posts of Urdu, Science/Maths and General Teachers (06 of 2017)- Miscellaneous issues

Disposal of representations/claims for the posts of Urdu, Science/Maths and General Teachers (06 of 2017)- issue of change of categories


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

J&K National Highway Traffic Movement : 23 Feb 2019

J&K National Highway Traffic Movement : 23 Feb 2019

Date : 23 Feb 2019

Jammu Srinagar Highway Updates

On 23.02.2019 Mughal Road/Srinagar-Kargil Road continuously closed due to snow accumulation

Traffic movement disrupted for 3rd day on Jammu Srinagar NHW due to landslides/shooting stones at several places between Ramban-Banihal Stretch,

subject to fair weather/clearance of road 2morrow on 23.02.2019 only stranded vehicles shall be allowed towards Srinagar


J&K National Highway Traffic Movement : 23 Feb 2019, National highway update j&k today, Traffic Update Jammu Srinagar National Highway , NH Updates, National Highway Updates, Traffic Update, Traffic Route, Kashmir News, Jammu News, NHW Traffic Update, J&K national highway update, highway update today, srinagar highway status tomorrow, Nation Highway News, Tomorrow NH Updates,Traffic Movement Updates


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

Campus Placement Drive for AXIS Bank Limited, 100 Plus Posts

Campus Placement Drive for AXIS Bank Limited, 100 Plus Posts

Total Posts : 100+

Post name : Business Development Executive (BDE)

Nature of Employment : On rolls of the Bank

Campus Placement Drive for AXIS Bank Limitedat ConventionCentre, IGNOU Campus, February26, 2019 at 10.00 am.

(Reporting and Registration: 10-11am)

(Orientation Programme : 11 am)

Candidate musthave a valid two wheeler Driving License and a self – owned two wheeler

Salary : Rs. 13, 800/-p.m. It includes a sum of Rs. 800/-pm. for meeting conveyance expenses. Mobile Reimbursement of Rs. 500/-p.m. will be paid with salary.CTC –Rs. 1.90. LPA.

Incentive : one can earn a maximum incentives upto Rs. 7,20,000/-pa. (Rs. 60,000/-p.m.)

Experience : Candidate having experience in BFSI sectors will be preferred. Candidates from other service industries like Hotel, Pharma, IT etc. having flair for sales are welcome to apply

Job Location : Anywhere in your circle (West and North Delhi + South Delhi)

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