Monday, 29 July 2019

J&K State Sports Council Junior Coaches Interview Notification

J&K State Sports Council Junior Coaches Interview Notification

Whereas, 48 posts of Junior Coaches among other posts were advertised vide notification No:SC/644/2940-
46 dated: 24.08.2016.

Whereas, 41 applications for the post of Jr. coaches, 1465 applications for the post of Ground Incharges, 631
applications for the post of Assistant Store Keeper, 30 applications for the post of J&K State Sports Council and 40 for the post of Plumber were received pursuant to notification

Whereas, a committee was constituted vide order No:589 of 2016 dated: 05.10.2016 for conduct of interview of the eligible applicants. Whereas, interviews/ viva was accordingly conducted by the Committee constituted for the purpose from 16th to 30th January, 2017 at Jammu and from 14th Feburary to 14th March, 2017 at Srinagar.

Whereas, the selection list could not be finalized due to resignation tendered by Chairman interview committee
and observations made by the chairman (Secretary, Sports Council)

Whereas, it was observed that proper procedure has not been followed by the committee and records of the
interview proceedings were untraced

Whereas, the matter was brought to the notice of Government for seeking directions in the matter.
Whereas, some of the aggrieved condidates have approached Hon’ble High Court of J&K, Jammu Bench through SWP No:1713 /2018 Titled Bhisham Singh v/s State & others and SWP No:516/2019 titled Dheeraj Sharma & Others v/s State & Others seeking directions of the respondents to conclude the process of selection list.

Whereas, the Hon’ble High Court of J&K, Jammu Bench while disposing of the above writ petitions on
05.04.2019 passed direction to the respondents to complete the process of selection from the stage of interview onwards within a period of four months. The operative part of the judgement of Hon’ble High Court at Jammu is
reproduced here under:

“In view of the aforesaid stand taken by the learned counsel for the parties, the writ petition is disposed off with a direction to the respondents to complete the process of selection from the stage of interview onwards within a period of four months”. Whereas, in terms of the directions of the Hon’ble High Court of J&K, it becomes imperative to conduct the fresh interview of the applicants who are in possession of required qualification through the expert committee to be constituted afresh.

Whereas, the matter was brought to the notice of State Government (Youth Services and Sports Department) for constitution of fresh interview committee to conduct the interviews of eligible candidates. Whereas the Government vide order No: 45-Edu (YSS) of 2019, dated:03/07/2019 has constituted a committee for the completion of selection process of eligible candidates for various posts

Therefore,in view of the above, It is hereby notified that fresh interview of the eligible candidates for the post
of Jr. Coaches, in the first phase shall be conducted on the dates & venues given below:-

Province Date & time Venue

Kashmir/Ladakh 31 July 2019 Province 11 AM to 4 PM  Administrative block,Bakhshi Stadium, Srinagar

Jammu Province 02 Aug 2019 Administrative block, 11 AM to 4 PM Bakhshi Stadium, Srinagar

No individual intimation / call letters shall be dispatched to the eligible candidates and they have to attend the interview at their own cost. They are also advised to bring all the  Province 11 AM to 4 PM

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