Sunday, 28 July 2019

SKIMS Recruitment 2019 for DEO, Tech, Assistants and Other Posts

SKIMS Recruitment 2019 for DEO, Tech, Assistants and Other Posts

Applications are invited for the following posts purely on temporary basis for the period of one year / Duration of the project for DST funded project entitled “Impact of community based targeted Intervention on incidence and control of Non-Communicable Diseases NCDs among tribal population of Kashmir Valley”.

Posts : Scientist B, Data Entry Operator, Lab Technician, Field Investigator, Field Assistant, Dietician

How to Apply :

Applications as per the attached format with the attested copies of certificates

documents shall reach the office of undersigned up to 10,h August, 2019. No

applications shall be entertained beyond the last date. Applications without complete

documents will not be entertained.

Posts details below

The terms & conditions for the post are as follows:

The posts will be filled up purely on temporary basis.

The appointment can be terminated with two month notice from either side without assigning any reason

Since the post is purely temporary, the candidates selected will have no claim for regular appointments under the above project or continuation of his/her services in any other project. Also the candidate cannot claim for any regular appointment at this Institute after termination of the project.

No TA/DA etc. will be given to attend the Interview or joining of post and candidate should make his/her own arrangement for stay for interview and joining of post.

Qualification and experience should be from any Govt, recognized reputed organization.

Experience will be counted only after completion of minimum education qualification.

Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee for the interview call and selection.

Form can be downloaded from the SKIMS website:

Watch Video : 27 July 2019 Jobs Updates in One Video


There will be written test for the posts of Field Investigators and Dietician in order to enable them to get registered for Ph.D Biomedical sciences under this project as per the SKIMS norms.

Central University of Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019

Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) Special Recruitment


from JKUpdates – Jammu Kashmir Alerts & Updates

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