J&K High Court Fresh Recruitment 2019
Applications in the prescribed format invited from the eligible Candidates for temporary engagement against 09 positions of Research Assistants on a consolidated amount of Rs.40,000/- per month, as Honorarium for his/her assignment.
Post Name :: Research Assistants
Total Posts :09
Salary : Rs.40,000/- per month
Last Date : 31 August 2019 (Extended)
The details regarding eligibility criteria etc. are enumerated as under:
Age: A Candidate must not have attained the age of 33 years as on 1st July, 2019.
(i) The candidate must be a permanent resident of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
(ii) The candidate must be a Law Graduate (as on
the date of appearing at interview) having a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (including Integrated Degree Course in Law) from any School / College / University / Institute established by Law in India and recognized by the Bar Council of India for enrolment as an Advocate, possessing a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate at Law
Graduation (including Integrated Degree Course in Law) and should not have completed two years after enrolment as an Advocate.
(iii) The candidates studying in the final year / last semester of their Law Course will also be eligible to apply subject to furnishing proof of acquiring the Law degree qualification with minimum 55% marks in aggregate at the time of interview.
(iv) The candidates studying in fifth year of the five-year Integrated Law Course will have to submit attested copies of their grade-sheet/marks card/transcripts until the end of the fourth year.
(v) The candidate must have knowledge of Computer, including retrieval of desired information from various search engines/ processes such as Manupatra, SCC Online, LexisNexis, Westlaw etc.
(vi) The candidate must have absolute integrity, honesty and good moral character, for which he/she will submit certificate of two responsible persons at the time of interview.
Fee : (i) The application form must be accompanied with a bank draft of Rs. 200/- in the name of Registrar General of the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir.
(ii) Applications received along with fee on or before the last date for receipt of applications and found to be in order in all respects shall be considered for further process.
Period of Assignment and De-assignment of Research Assistant;-
(i) The engagement will be purely on contractual basis initially for a period of one year from the date of taking up the assignment, which can be extended on year to year basis for a further period of not exceeding three years, subject to satisfactory performance and good conduct, on the recommendation of Hon’ble the Chief Justice / Judge concerned / the Committee of Judges or the Registrar Judicial of the Wing concerned on the basis of need.
(ii) However, the assignment of Research Assistant can be discontinued even before the completion of one year, if his/her services are found to be unsatisfactory.
(iii) On engagement the candidate must take up the assignment of Research Assistant within the period specified in his/her order of engagement. No request for extension of time for joining the assignment will be entertained .
(iv) Research Assistant shall not be treated or deemed to be a regular employee in the Services of the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir.
(v) Any Research Assistant intending to leave the assignment within a period of one year or extended period shall be required to give prior notice of one month with prior intimation to the Hon’ble Judge to whom attached.
Selection Process: The selection of Research Assistant shall be made in accordance with the selection process laid down in the guidelines as notified in the High Court Notification No. 578 dated 30.08.2016, as amended from time to time, vide Notification No. 1835/GS dated 14-03-2018, Notification No. 896 dated 20-10-2018 and Notification No. 44 dated 07-06-2019 which are available on the High Court website (‘www.ikhiqhcourt.nic.in). The candidates are advised to go through these Notifications before applying for the said assignment.
The candidate shall be bound by the conditions / guidelines as prescribed in the above said Notification, in respect of responsibilities, duties and other conditions attached to the said assignment.
The Research Assistant shall not be entitled to any allowance(s) or perk(s) other than the honorarium.
How to apply : The applications complete in all respects with a recent Passport size photograph and a bank draft of Rs. 200/- in the name of Registrar General of the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir shall be forwarded to the High Court on e-mail address (hcjmu-jk@nic.in] and the Original application form along with bank draft and other testimonials by post to Registrar Judicial Srinagar/Jammu latest by 17th August, 2019. However in case a candidate opts to deliver the original application form to the Registrar Judicial concerned within the prescribed time along with bank draft and testimonials by hand, he/she need not send his/her application form through email.
i) Any wrong or incorrect information furnished by the candidate shall lead to the rejection of his/her candidature at any stage.
ii) The date and place for conducting the test shall be notified separately through print media. No:
iii) No TA/DA shall be paid for the test/interview.
iv) Any application complete/incomplete received after the last date or by any other mode than specified above, shall not be entertained.
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