SKIMS Soura Recruitment 2020 various posts
Online applications on prescribed format are invited from the eligible domiciles of Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir for various posts as mentioned in the Annexure-“A” to this notification, in terms of Jammu and Kashmir Probationer (Condition of Service, Pay and Allowances) and Fixation of Tenure Rules, 2020 notified vide S.O -192 of 2020 dated: 17.06.2020.
Post name:
Nutrition educationist, Junior Assistant, Electronic Mechanic, Lift Mechanic, Painter Automobile, Draftsman, Works Supervisor, Technician, Physiotherapist, Anesthesia Technician, Jr Basic physiotherapist, Junior Assistant, Assistant Cameraman, Staff Nurse, Junior Engineer, Assistant Cook.
Age as on 01.01.2020 in terms of SRO-165 of 2014, Dated: June 9th,2014: –
Minimum =18 years.
i. 40 years for general category candidates.
ii. 40 years in case of candidates already in Government service/contractual employees.
iii. 42 years in case of physically challenged (Specially Abled) candidates.
iv. 43 years in case of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe candidates, RBA, EWS’s, ALC/IB, PSP & Social Caste.
v. 48 years in case of Ex-Servicemen.
Important Dates
(a) . Date of Commencement for Submission of online application forms = 01 -07-2020
(b) . Last date for submission of online application forms = 27-07-2020
1. The necessary instruction for filling-up of online application form and submission of fees details shall be available on SKIMS website,
2. A link for filling of online application form shall be available on the official website of Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura w.e.f: 01-07-2020 to 27-07-2020
3. Candidates are required to apply online through the official website of Sher-i-Kashmlr Institute of Medical Sciences
4. The application forms for the posts mentioned in Annexure -“A” shall be filled online along with scanned copies of requisite Certificates/ Documents, to be uploaded in(jpeg, * jpg, tiff, .gif) format on SKIMS website ( only and no other mode of submission of application form shall be entertained.
5. The requisite original documents including domicile certificate issued by the Competent Authority on the format prescribed for the purpose must be produced at the time of document verification, or as and when sought by SKIMS
6. The candidates are required to upload the Images of recent photograph, signature and thumb impression specimen, which should be uploaded only in (*.jpeg, *.jpg, *tiff.) formats.
Size of the photograph (passport size) must be between 50kb to 10Okb Size of the signature and thumb impression must be between 30kb to 60kb.
7. The candidature of the applicants, who have not uploaded the requisite documents in the online application form as per the prescribed criterion, or have uploaded blurred / unreadable documents, shall be rejected without any notice.
8. The last date for the submission of online application forms as prescribed above shall also be the cut-off date for determining the eligibility for the post.
9. Candidate’s Application will not be considered, if the fee is not paid and the details not entered in the provided specific space.
10. Candidates must take a printout of the fee receipt after successful filling of the application form.
11. Fees of application Rs.500 (Five Hundred only), plus service charges over and above the prescribed fees as applicable for each of the advertised posts mentioned in Annexure- A to this notice can be paid in any Branch of J&K Bank besides through Net Banking / Debit Card/ Credit Card (under online option).
12. Candidates cannot edit their application form after submission.
13. Candidates shall ensure that their email ID’s and phone numbers as specified in the online application form are active during the currency of recruitment process.
14. Candidates should not submit a printout of the application/fee payment receipt to SKIMS at this stage, however, the candidates shall submit the downloaded printout of the application forms along with the-fee payment receipts and attested copies of requisite certificates as and when SKIMS may call for submission of such documents.
15. The in-service candidates/contractual employees shall submit a photocopy of filled online application forms Through Proper Channel (TPC) viz. duly under the seal and signature of the concerned Head of Department/ Institution. In the event of failure of the candidates to route the application Through Proper Channel (TPC), his/her eligibility shall be assessed as if he/she is not an in-service candidate. The Head of Department/ Institution concerned shall forward the application forms of the in- service candidates to the office of Administrative Officer, (Policy), SKIMS, Soura, 190011 within 10 days after the last date of filing of the application forms.
16. The candidate must produce the original Qualification/Category Certificates/ Bonafide certificates in case of qualifications obtained outside the Union Territory of J & K as and when SKIMS may call for such documents, so that their eligibility for participation in the written test / interview/ physical test, wherever applicable or any other test is verified. Any candidate who fails to produce the relevant documents/ testimonials on the scheduled date of such test shall not be allowed to appear.
17. The vacancies have been earmarked in terms of amendments made in Jammu & Kashmir Reservation Rules, 2005 notified vide S.0127, dated 20.04.2020. The horizontal reservation for Ex-Serviceman and Physically Challenged (Specially Abled) persons to the extent of 6 % and 4 % respectively means the reservation which would cut across the vertical reservation and the persons selected shall have to be placed in the appropriate category by making necessary adjustments. In respect of Physically Handicapped (Specially Abled) persons, the reservation shall be available only for services/ posts specified under section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 to the extent specified therein.
18. The selection on the posts mentioned in the Annexure-A to this notification shall be made in terms of the provisions laid down in S.O 180, dated: May 28,2020, or the rules and regulation framed by the Government from time to time.
19. Candidates, who are eligible to apply for more separately for each post.
20. Please note that the above procedure ISTHE ONLY VALID PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING TO ANY SPECIFIC POST, NO OTHER MODE OF APPLICATION WOULD BE accepted and incomplete application/s will be rejected
21. NoTA/DA will be paid for participation in the Trade Test/ written test/ interview.
DATED: JUNE 26,2020
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