GMC Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021
Posts Details Below :
Posts : 14
Last Date : 10-05-2021
In view of the surge of Coved-19 Pandemic and requirement of human resource, Applications are invited as per per-forma from eligible candidates for engagement on Academic Arrangement Basis under SO 364 against the following vacant posts (Divisional Cadre Jammu) in Govt. Medical College, Jammu & its Associated Hospitals for a period of one year extendable upto maximum of six years (One year at a time and further extension subject to good performance and conduct) or till the posts are filled on substantive basis In accordance with Rules of Recruitment governing the posts, whichever is earlier.
Name of the Posts :
Junior Staff Nurse
Pay Scale : Level-.4 (25500-81100)
Eligibility : 10+2 or above qualification with diploma in Nursing from recognized institute.
Selection Criteria :
Basic Qualification = 60 Points Technical
Qualification = 40 Points.
Application as per prescribed format should be deposited through registered/speed post / personally and should reach to the office of Personnel Officer, Associated Hospitals of Government Medical College, Jammu by or before 10.05.2021.
Documents to be attached along with application form :
Date of Birth Certificate.
Qualification certificate (Academic & Technical).
(Mark sheets of all years/semesters)
Category Certificate, if any.
Experience Certificate, If any.
Terms and conditions :
Age at the time of application:-
Minimum: 18 years.
Maximum: 63 years.
The candidate should be permanent resident of J&K.
These appointments shall not entitle the appointee to any preferential claim for regularization/ regular appointment under normal process of selection/appointment.
The services of an appointee under these rules shall be terminable before the expiry of the tenure of appointment with one month’s notice from either side.
The number of posts can Increase or decrease as per the requirement of the Institution without any further notice.
The provisions of the J&K Reservation Act and Rules made there-under shall govern the selections.
Conditions of Service in the matter of discipline and conduct of appointee shall be governed by the Rules, regulations and orders In-vogue under the J&K Civil Services Rules.
No weight-age shall be given to higher qualification other than the required.
The application should be on A4 size paper and all the entries in the application form should be in computer typed form, not hand written.
Application form found incomplete in any manner during the scrutiny of applications shall be rejected without any prior notice to the applicant.
Applicant found having made any incorrect or false statement, suppressing material Information shall render himself/ herself liable for criminal proceedings.
No application shall be entertained after last date of submission of application form, even by post.
Remuneration : In case of retired Government official, last pay drawn minus pension and commuted portion of pension, subject to minimum total emoluments (Including pension and commuted portion) being equal to the Revised basic pay corresponding to minimum of the pre-revised scale of the post as per SRO-93 dated: 15-04-2009 + Dearness Allowance.
The application form can be downloaded from the website of GMC, Jammu i.e.
Full Details & Application form Click Below :

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GMC Jammu Fresh Jobs Recruitment 2021 first appeared on
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