J&K Fresh Covid Guidelines
Restrictions for COVID containment-regarding
Government Order No. 18-JK (DMRRR) of 2022 Dated: 27.02.2022
Whereas, a detailed review of the current Covid-19 situation in Jammu and Kashmir was held by the Chief Secretary, J&K, the Chairman of the State Executive Committee with members of Task Force on Covidl9 and other senior officers of Jammu and Kashmir on 26.02.2022;
Whereas, the above review was conducted to assess overall situation pertaining to the spread of COVID-19 in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly focusing on the following parameters-
Total weekly new cases (per million)
Total positivity rate
Bed Occupancy
Case fatality rate
Vaccination coverage of targeted population
The extent of compliance to COVID Appropriate Behaviour
Whereas, it was observed that there is a need for additional measures besides continuing with the existing COVID containment measures in all Districts even though daily Covid cases and positivity rate are generally showing a declining trend.
Now therefore, the State Executive Committee, in exercise of the powers conferred upon it under section 24 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, hereby orders that the guidelines / instructions on COVID containment in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, already notified vide Government Orders 35 and 36-JK (DMRRR) of 2021 dated 29-05-2021 read with Government Orders 73-JK(DMRRR) of 2021 dated 22-10-2021, 91- JK (DMRRR) of 2021 dated 28-12-2021 and 17-JK (DMRRR) of 2022 dated 20.22022 shall continue to remain in force till further orders.
Enforcement of Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) is critical in determining the need for additional restrictions. The District Magistrates (Chairperson, DDMAs) of respective Districts of J&K shall adopt a Zero Tolerance policy towards non-compliance of Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) and shall ensure due action against defaulters under relevant sections of the Disaster Management Act, Epidemic Act and the Indian Penal Code.
The DMs shall constitute inspection teams of district officers to check whether the instructions contained herein for enforcement of Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) are being implemented by the concerned with due responsibility. Further, the DMs shall constitute joint teams of Police and Executive Magistrates for intensifying enforcement of
Covid Appropriate Behaviour and ensure no violator is let off_ The joint teams shall submit
daily report regarding activities carried out by them and their assessment of compliance level.
The Home Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir shall monitor the enforcement of Covid Appropriate Behaviour closely and shall submit a Report to the Chairperson of the State Executive Committee (Chief Secretary) regularly.
The Health and Medical Education Department, Jammu and Kashmir shall closely monitor all relevant statistics and Data in respect of Covid-19 for timely interventions wherever required
All the Government Department(s)/Office(s) shall ensure guidelines related to social distancing and Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) are followed strictly while conducting in-person meetings/interactions etc.
To reduce the rate of transmission within J&K, all efforts shall be made by Authorities through active involvement of PRIs, Community Leaders, Market Associations and
IEC campaign for containing Covid cases shall be undertaken by all District Magistrates (Chairperson, District Disaster Management Authorities) in their respective jurisdictions highlighting the necessity of Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB). The Department of Health and Medical Education, Jammu and Kashmir shall sensitise people about the Variants of ConcernNariants of Interest (VoCNoI) of Covid-19 including the new Variant 1.1.529 (Omicron)
The State Executive Committee reiterates that the following measures shall continue to remain in force -.
All offices to regulate the attendance of its employees in such a manner so as to ensure that appropriate Social Distancing Norms are maintained.
Maximum number of people permitted to attend any indoor gathering shall be strictly restricted to 50% of authorised capacity,
Banquet Halls in all the Districts of J&K are permitted to allow gathering up to 50% of the authorised capacity (with verifiable RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen Test for Covidl9 not older than 72 hours), preferably in open spaces.
Cinema halls, theatres, multiplexes, restaurants, clubs, gymnasiums and swimming pools are permitted to function at 25% of the authorised capacity with due precautions such as CAB and adherence to SOP
As regards the Education Institutions in J&K, regular offline classes are allowed with the following directions that need to be strictly adhered to:
All the students coming to attend regular offline classes in the Universities, Colleges, Polytechnics, Ms, etc. must carry a vaccination certificate with The Heads of the institutions must ensure that guidelines related to social distancing and Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) are strictly followed including regular screening at the entrance of the Institution. They shall also screen any symptomatic student and ensure his/her testing to contain any possibility of spread of the virus in their institutions.
All the School students in J&K of Classes 9th to 12th between 15-17 age group must carry a vaccination certificate with them. The Heads of Institutions must ensure vaccination is done of every student above 15 years of age in their respective institutions. The vaccination adherence shall be ensured through coordination with the Department of Health and Medical Education J&K. Every school must further ensure full compliance to Covid Appropriate Behaviour and SOPs. They must also ensure screening and testing of any symptomatic students to contain any possibility of spread of the virus in their Institutions.
Regarding the offline mode of teaching for other classes in all Schools of J&K, the Heads of Institutions shall be responsible for adherence to Covid
Appropriate Behaviour in their respective schools and prepare proper plans for the same. Symptomatic students should not be allowed to attend school. No student should be allowed to attend School without mask.
Coaching Centres for Civil Services/Engineering/NEET etc. are permitted to adopt offline mode of teaching subject to condition that both faculty members as well as students are fully vaccinated and the Head of the centre ensures due precautions such as CAB and adherence to SOP
All Deputy Commissioners shall intensify testing and ensure full utilisation of
available RT-PCR and RAT capacities. There shall be no drop in testing levels.
Chief Medical Officers of all districts shall submit a daily report regarding the utilisation of available RT-PCR capacities to the District Magistrates concerned. Besides, District Magistrates shall also go for capacity expansion of the RT-PCR testing as per the requirement
vii. The Deputy Commissioners shall also focus on the positivity rates of the Medical-Blocks under their jurisdictions. Intensified measures related to Covid management and restriction of activities shall be undertaken in these Blocks.
viii. There shall be renewed focus on Panchayat level/Medical Block mapping of cases and effective micro-containment zones shall be constituted wherever number of Covid-19 Positive cases reach 3 or above.
The DCs shall keep active track of the positivity rates in their respective jurisdictions. Strict perimeter control (Micro-Containment Zone) shall be implemented for localities where Covid-19 Positive Cases number reaches 3 and above. This shall be done to ensure no movement of people in or out of these zones, except for medical emergencies and for maintaining supply of essential goods and services. Following Standard Operating Procedure shall be followed for these defined Micro Containment Zones:
The Zone shall be confined to either 50 meters or a Single Building. A buffer zone of 150 meters to be put in place between Micro Containment Zone and rest of locality.
The District Magistrates (Chairperson, DDMAs) shall create as many Micro Containment Zones as necessary and as per situation demand on ground, keeping in view the spike of cases.
There shall be intensive house-to-house surveillance within the zone by surveillance teams formed for the purpose.
Testing shall be carried out as per prescribed protocol.
Listing of contacts shall be carried out in respect of all persons found positive, along with their tracking, identification, quarantine and follow up of contacts for 14 days (80 percent of contacts to be traced in 72 hours).
Quick isolation of COVID-19 patients shall be ensured in treatment
facilities/ home (subject to fulfilling the home isolation guidelines). .
Surveillance for ILI(Influenza Like Illness) / SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory
Illness) cases shall be carried out in health facilities or outreach mobile units or through fever clinics in buffer zones.
The three – “T” protocol of testing, tracking and treating, besides vaccination, needs to strengthened in all Blocks. The proportion of RT-PCR tests in the total mix should be scaled up on best effort basis. All DDMAs and the Health & Medical Education Department must ensure that minimum 15 contacts of the Covid-19 Positive person are tracked in order to arrest transmission within the community
All Districts of J&K shall intensify efforts to ensure timely administering of the Second Dose of the Covid-19 vaccination in accordance with the due date for the
All Districts to ensure the completion of Overdue Second Dose of Covid Vaccinations within a week. Overdue figures should be brought down to minimal levels in All Districts.
Positive cases detected because of intensive testing need to be isolated / quarantined at the earliest and their contacts shall also be traced and similarly isolated / quarantined and tested if needed
Immediate isolation and treatment of COVID-19 patients shall be ensured in treatment facilities / hospitals / homes.
District Magistrates shall take all necessary measures for enforcement of Testing
District Magistrates shall ensure that respective Covid War Rooms (24×7) remain active to tackle Variants of Concern/ Variants of Interest (VoCNoI) including 1.1.529 (Omicron). The Details of Covid War Rooms shall be intensely publicised by all DDMAs including contact numbers for Tele-Medicine/Medical Assistance for the information of general public including information with regard to nearby Medical facilities available for referral
All District Magistrates and Health Workers shall take all steps necessary to achieve the Overall objective of reducing Covid-19 incidence level.
xviii.The D/o HME, GoJK, shall ensure adequate availability of COVID-19 dedicated health and logistics (including ambulatory) infrastructure, based on their assessment of the case trajectory.
xix The D/o H&ME, GoJK, will run an intense IEC campaign to create awareness among public about Self Care Plan to be adopted during home isolation/ self quarantine of covid 19 patients which must include detailed protocols to be followed during the pandemic
The D/o H&ME to ensure that elderly people and people with co-morbidities are encouraged to come forward for testing
MD, NHM in consultation with the DCs shall take up Panchayat level mapping and data capturing on the specified portal with respect to all tests for tracking the positivity rates in all Panchayats and other areas in a timely manner.
The following categories of asymptomatic Incoming passengers by Air/Rail/Road to the UT of J&K shall NOT be required to undergo RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen Covid-19 Test on arrival:
If they are carrying a valid and verifiable Final Certificate Report of Covid-19 Vaccination
OR- If they are carrying a valid and verifiable RT-PCR Covid19 Negative report taken within 72 hours of arrival time.
RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen Covid-19 Tests shall however be conducted on Symptomatic Incoming Passengers by Air/Rail/Road to J&K
Inter State movement of passenger transport of SRTC/ Stage Contract Private Passenger Buses shall be permitted for fully vaccinated person or persons with verifiable RT-PCR not older than 72 hours or based on RAT on-spot with strict compliance with CAB.
Entry into Parks shall be permitted to vaccinated persons only with due verification. Surprise checks shall be conducted by inspection teams to assess the implementation and initiate corrective measures.
By Order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir
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J&K Fresh Covid Guidelines first appeared on
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