Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) Various Job Recruitment 2023
The Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) is an Aided Institute of Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India devoted to research and development activities in the areas of Basic Plasma Physics, Magnetic Confinement Fusion and Industrial & Societal applications of plasmas. IPR is located in Bhat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat and also has extensions of its Laboratories at Facilitation Centre for Industrial Plasma Technologies (FCIPT), Sector – 25, Gandhinagar, Gujarat and at Centre for Plasma Physics (CPP-IPR) located at Guwahati, Assam.
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following reserved posts for SC/ST/OBC category on Direct Recruitment basis :
In case Universities/Board award letter grades/CGPA/OGPA/SGPA, the same need to be indicated as equivalent percentage of marks, as per the norms adopted by that University/Board. If percentage of the marks is not indicated in application form, their candidature will not be considered.
For post code 106 and 107 : In Online Application, the candidates shall select only one of the three available application options for above advertised posts: [1] Application for IPR posts only or [2] Application for CPP-IPR posts only or [3] Application for IPR/CPP-IPR posts (applied for both IPR and CPP-IPR posts and can be posted at either IPR or CPP-IPR, if selected) depending on available vacancy in their discipline. Accordingly the candidates will be considered for the posts as per their application option as mentioned above.
The portal for submission of Online Application will be live from 15/02/2023.
The online applications, received in response to the advertisement, shall be scrutinized, for valid applications, on the basis of all criteria like age, educational qualification, category certificate, fee receipt etc. as filled in by the candidate. Only valid applicants (candidates with valid applications) shall be considered for further recruitment process.
In case of receipt of large number of applications, a screening test (written test) will be conducted. The test will be of objective type questions (Multiple Choice Questions) in the respective subject/discipline. The final selection will be solely based on the performance in the personal Interview.
Steps for Online Payment
1. Visit SBI Collect:
2. Proceed →State of corporate / Institution: Gujarat
3. Type of Corporate / Institution: Others
4. Others Name: Institute for Plasma Research
5. Select Payment Category: Application Fees IPR
6. In remarks column, please mention Advt. No. and Post Code
7. Make payment.
8. Print/Download receipt.
General Information
Only Indian Nationals need to apply.
The number of vacancies indicated in this advertisement are provisional and may be increased or decreased depending on the actual requirement of the Institute. The selected candidates can be posted at any of the above locations at the time of recruitment or later
Before filling up the Online Application, the candidates must go through the detailed Advertisement. Please proceed to fill the online application only if you are satisfied that you possess the Essential Qualifications stipulated for the post, otherwise submitted application(s) shall be rejected outright.
Candidates possessing higher qualification than the prescribed qualification for the post are treated as over qualified for the advertised post and will not be considered. At a later stage, if it is found that candidate has suppressed the information at the time of application related to his/her higher qualification, their candidature will not be considered for further process.
The applicants are advised to fill out all their particulars in the Online Application carefully and upload recent passport size colour photograph and legible scan copies of the documents in support of date of birth, educational qualification, experience, age relaxation, etc., as submission of wrong information may lead to rejection through computer based shortlisting. Institute reserves the right to reject applications not fulfilling the requisite criteria at any stage of the recruitment process.
The applicants would be called for the written test/ Interview, only on the basis of information filled-in by them in their online application form. In case it is found at later stage that the information furnished by applicant is false or an applicant does not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicants would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.
Each applicant is advised to submit only one Online Application for applicable post code. However, if the candidate submits multiple Online Applications, then it must be ensured that the Online Application with the higher ‘Application ID Number’ is complete in all respects. Applicants who submit multiple Online Applications should note that only the Online Application with higher ‘Application ID Number’ i.e. latest one shall be considered for processing by the Institute
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can be held in reserve for any other test.
Candidates seeking relaxations in age and/or payment of fee under SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/Ex-serviceman/EWS category are required to submit certificate in the prescribed format of Govt. Of India, failing which their candidature will not be considered.
All the qualifications must be from recognized Universities / Boards / Institutions only. Applicants having qualifications from other countries shall submit equivalency certificate from UGC / AIU.
Candidates working under the Govt. / Aided /Autonomous/ Quasi Govt. / Public Sector Undertakings are required to submit “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from employer at the time of Screening Test/Interview, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the Screening Test/Interview
The Candidate will be required to appear for the screening test (written test) as per the choice filled in online application system. However, in case of non-availability of seats at the chosen city, the candidate can be asked to appear at a different city. The request for change of test center will not be entertained at any stage of recruitment.
The Interview will be conducted at IPR Gandhinagar. More details will be updated on website.
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