Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Job Recruitment Satwari (Jammu)

Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Job Recruitment Satwari (Jammu)

Advertisement for Recruitment of Sahayika (Anganwadi Helper) in Anganwadi Centre of POSHAN Project SATWARI.

Reference :

1. Government Order No 222-JK(SWD) of 2022 Dated: 30.11.2022
2. Government Order No.103-JK(SWD) of 2023 Dated: 28.04.2023
3 DPOJ/Poshan/1652-62/23 Dated :19-08-2023.
4. MDP/Estt/Misc/2023/31843-31964 Dated:12-10-2023

Approval has been accorded, vide letter No: SMD/ICDS/Recruitment/2022-23/27516-19 Dated:05.09.2023 for filling up of various vacancies of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) and Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers) for Phase 2nd in Anganwadi Centres of Poshan Project Satwari, as per the details given below. Consequently, applications are invited as per prescribed format (Annexure A) from
eligible candidates for engagement of Sahayika (AWH) for working at following Anganwadi Centre @ Rs. 2550/- p.m. on honorarium basis.

Important Dates/ Details In regards to the Application :

1. Date of commencement for submission of Application Forms: 16-11-2023.

2. Last date for submission of Application Forms: 29-11-2023.

3. Annexure A- Application Performa.

4. Annexure B- Affidavit.

5. No application form shall be accepted after the last date of submission i.e. 29-11-2023.


1. The selection of Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helper) shall be restricted to the electoral ward where Anganwadi Centre is located.

2. Women candidates in the age group of 18-37 years as on 01-06-2023 shall be considered for the post.

3. The candidate should be a domicile of the UT of J&K.

4. Minimum qualification for Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helper) shall be Matriculation.

5. The first and the foremost criteria of eligibility amongst married women in case of Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers) is the marks obtained in the class 10th. However, in rarest of rare cases where Selection Committee finds a widow headed household with no  income source or a completely destitute lady with zero source of income, in such cases preference may be given if other things are equal.

6. In case no matriculate candidate is available in the Ward, candidates with qualification not less than VIII standard shall be considered.

7. In case no married candidate is available, unmarried candidate may be considered. The condition regarding unmarried candidates being selected only if no married candidate is available be also adhered to.

Documents to be attached (Self Attested) for the post of SAHAYIKAS (ANGANWADI HELPERS)

a. Copy of Domicile Certificate.

b. Mark sheets(s)/Diploma/Degree of the qualification prescribed for the post as per Advertisement Notification.

c. Copy of Aadhar Card.

d. Copy of Voter ID Card.

e. Copy of Ration Card.

f. Copy of Date of Birth Certificate/Matriculation Certificate.

g. Unmarried Certificate by the concerned Tehsildar (In case of unmarried candidate)

h. Copy of Death Certificate of Husband. (In case of widow)

i. Copy of Divorce Certificate. (In case of divorcee)

j. Certified copy of the latest Voter list of the applicant as proof of residence. (Certified by the BDO/EO Municipality concerned)

k. Affidavit (Annexure B) in the prescribed format duly attested by Judicial Magistrate.


The application forms complete in all respects as per the Performa given in Annexure “A” of this notice along with all the requisite documents as mentioned should be submitted in the Office of the Child Development Project Officer, Satwari, H.No. 194, near Gurdwara Sahib Raipur Satwari, opposite BSNL Exchange by hand during working hours against the proper receipt. The incomplete forms shall be rejected without any clarification/notice and the candidates shall have no right to claim for candidature.
This Office/Poshan Department reserves the right to increase/decrease/withdraw/cancel the advertised vacancy/vacancies at any point of time with respect to the departmental requirement before the selection process.

The shortlisted candidates shall be required to appear for Document Verification along with the original documents as well as self-attested photostat copy of each document as per the advertisement notification within a week after the last date of receipt of application forms. The candidate must be in possession of the prescribed academic qualification and documents on or before the last date of submission of application form.

Further Details :


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The post Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Job Recruitment Satwari (Jammu) first appeared on JKUpdates - Govt Private Jobs, News, Results, JKSSB, JK Alerts and JKUpdate.

from JKUpdates – Govt Private Jobs, News, Results, JKSSB, JK Alerts and JKUpdate

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